A cat sitting on top of a table

Smart Meters // What is a Smart Meter?

Unless you have been living under a rock, you will have caught one of the adverts for the Smart Meter roll out. Whether you’ve heard the radio advert in the car or vaguely recall seeing something as you waited for your favourite program to come on TV.

The short version of these adverts is that energy suppliers are offering households across Britain the opportunity to switch over to a self-reading Smart Meter. Sounds great right? But what is a Smart Meter?

A cat sitting on top of a table

What is a Smart Meter?

The easiest way to explain the Smart Meter switchover is the replacement of traditional manual reading dial faced meters with digital smart meters, which together with an in-home display will help provide you with near real-time energy usage information.

Digital Meter Readings

Despite thinking that I am an organised person (hey I made my living from organising people), I am incapable of submitting a meter reading on time. I’ve tried setting up reminders which still didn’t spur me into getting my act together. Estimated bills have become part and parcel of my life and finally force me into submitting a meter reading in order to receive an accurate bill. Switching to a Smart Meter uploads meter readings directly to E.ON on my behalf! Thus providing me with more accurate energy bills (insert happy face!).

A close up of a cell phone sitting on top of a wooden table

Energy Usage

I’m forever muttering to myself when the lights are left on making the house look like Blackpool Illuminations. I’m probably more annoyed that I have to then switch them off rather than the energy cost. However, after seeing the effect that this has on our energy usage via the in-home display, I’m now muttering about the financial cost too.

The benefits of a Smart Meter is that it shows in near real-time information on in-home. I *may* have become a little obsessed with it and glance at as I pass by it throughout the day. I can see whether our energy usage is low, medium or high with colour coded lights on the in-home display. Switching appliances on and off to see which cost the most to run (the oven was the most shocking one!)

How to get a Smart Meter Installed

Head over to your energy suppliers website to see whether the Smart Meter rollout has started within your area. If not, register your interest for when Smart Meter installations will start to take place.

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