A close up of a tree

Best hedges for kids?

October 3, 2017

Part of building a kid-friendly environment in the garden is choosing the right plants to put in. Adding hedges to your garden is a great way of creating zones and privacy areas, and also encouraging some wildlife into your garden throughout the year. Hedges are also a little more resilient (and less likely to be trampled) than some of the smaller plants. Planting hedges can mean the garden is a little more inviting as a play area than if you install a collection of easily smashed potted plants or even a greenhouse. So what hedges are best for kids?

Best hedges for kids?

A close up of a garden

If you are looking to create a dedicated play area then a hard-wearing hedge to provide boundary protection might be ideal. It can also add some privacy for you if you want to sit on your decking in peace without the threat of an incoming ball, or possibly defend a more fragile garden area. Try a neat, low-maintenance hedge like an evergreen yew, a Box hedge or another dense hedging plant to provide a good level of protection! If your kids are enthusiastic footballers, you may want to opt for bare root hedging. It’s cost-effective, making it an easy option for quickly creating a dense hedge!

If your kids are still small or are enthusiastic about the natural world, then encouraging the variety of wildlife in your garden can be a great way to make it more interesting. Certain species thrive in the shady habitats created by hedges. The Cotoneaster Franchetii is a great evergreen shrub and a fabulous haven for wildlife, including birds who enjoy the berries which grow through the winter period.

Make sure to get your kids involved in the planting and growing of the hedges. Not only does it teach them some valuable gardening skills and provide a great weekend activity, it will also help them to value them as plants (and not just barriers to wriggle through!)

Hopes Grove Nursery have some amazing hedging plants available, including a huge range of bare root hedges and instant hedging options. If you want to find the perfect hedge for you and your kids then their team are happy to help. Head over to Hopes Grove Nursery to create your perfect garden environment.

A woman posing for a photo

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Photo Credit: Maxwell Young Civalias Kune

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