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5 Ways to Find Time for Self-Education as a Busy Parent

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Isn’t parenthood amazing?

You can watch your kids’ first steps, kiss their little chubby faces, teach them all you know about life, and ultimately, watch them grow and become their own people. It’s great! You know it, we know it, and all the other people in movies know it.

However, what is often omitted, is the whole horror that you have to go through during all those years; the sacrifice of your dreams, personality, education… More or less – your entire private life. Back in the day, you could use your free time on anything you wanted – these days, you don’t even have any free time to begin with.

And the world is so full of possibilities! If you’re still working on improving yourself and expanding your knowledge, good for you! If you would like to do just that, but you think you’re too busy with kids, don’t worry. We’ve prepared a short guide on how to make time for self-education even if you’re a busy parent. 

For a second, put aside all the toys and pacifiers – now it’s time for you.

How to Find Time for Self-Education When You’re a Parent

There are five ways on how you can make time for your education while simultaneously rocking being a parent.

time for self-education


Audiobooks are excellent study materials when you have lots of house responsibilities because they allow you to study and take care of the house simultaneously. All you need is a phone, a set of headphones, and a good audiobook service with a broad collection of materials, such as Audible. How does Audible work? Check out the instructions on the web, set it all up and you can start studying while cooking a meal or vacuuming the house. You can also listen to the materials on the radio while driving or being stuck in a traffic jam.

Online Courses 

On the web, you can find many online courses that will certify your knowledge – this means both studying and taking an exam without even leaving the house. The crucial part of completing the online courses successfully is finding an adequate time slot If there’s another adult taking care of your kids in the house, don’t feel bad about going to the cafe or closing yourself in the bedroom.

It’s important to set boundaries and time limits, so let your kids know when it’s your work time and make no exceptions. Okay, maybe only if somebody’s in a serious need of medical assistance. But only then!

Control Your Distractions

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… forget it! From now on, they’re all your enemies. If you don’t think that they take up your precious free time, check your screen time. Five minutes here and there haven’t killed anyone, but after summing up, you’ll see that you spend even hours on scrolling. To gain control over those distractions, download apps that will temporarily block your access to social media. Exchanging screen time for study time will also be great for your mental health.

Time Schedule

It’s crucial to make studying a habit, so try to do it regularly. If you’re a busy parent, you know that to find time for anything, you have to plan it ahead. So make a weekly schedule, and create time slots just for yourself. If it’s necessary, ask others for help. Don’t feel ashamed even if this means calling grandma to the rescue. 

You can also ask for help from your trusted friends, the other family members or any other adult that knows and cares for your children. Remember, most of the time it’s not even long hours; make two 30-minute time slots for yourself in the week and we guarantee that both you and your kids will be just fine. Trust us: better time management will save your personal life.

Schoolwork on the Run 

Whether you have a small baby or older kids, you may feel like you’re continuously on the run. In such circumstances, it may be hard for you to find even 30 minutes of peace and serenity in your own house. The essential advice is to make sure you’re prepared for studying anywhere you go and always have all your schoolwork with you. 

You might find yourself waiting in line for an hour, or spending hours in your car, waiting for your children to finish school. In such moments, instead of getting bored, you might take your materials and use this free time on something productive. Make yourself a workbook with all the necessary print outs, or create a special file on your smartphone or tablet with all the PDFs. Have it always with you, whenever you might need it. Thank us later!

time for self-education


Busy parents certainly don’t have an easy life. Changing diapers and sleepless nights are just at the beginning of the long list, but they’re still nothing compared to the sense of mental exhaustion that you might feel. 

To not let yourself feel like you’ve burned out, make sure to keep growing as a person. In all the devotion for your children and household, make some time for you, your dreams and passions. Remember, no parent is ever perfect. And your kids will surely appreciate the one that is happy and content with their life.

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