Tips On Thriving Through Those First Few Baby Months

Tips On Thriving Through Those First Few Baby Months

September 7, 2024


Ah, the bliss and chaos of new motherhood! You’ve stepped into a world where sleep can often be a luxury, and baby giggles are the new soundtrack of your life. Let’s take a look at how you can not just get by, but really enjoy these first few wild months. It’s about finding those small victories every day and embracing the unpredictable joy that comes with your new little bundle.

Embrace The Power Of Preparation

Got the nursery ready? Great! But how about having a bunch of on-the-go snacks available to grab whenever hunger strikes and there’s no time for a whole meal or a stash of nappies in every room? Now you’re talking. Prepping isn’t just about buying stuff—it’s about making your home a baby-friendly zone where everything you need is just an arm’s reach away. Rally your tribe too—know who you can call at 3 AM when you just need to hear an adult voice. And remember, a well-timed word of encouragement can be as vital as a stocked food cupboard.

Tips On Thriving Through Those First Few Baby Months

Become A Multitasker

Who says you can’t fold laundry with a baby strapped to your chest? Grab a baby carrier that feels like a second skin and watch your mobility—and productivity—soar to new heights. Podcasts or audiobooks? They’re your new best friends. Tune into a juicy story or a riveting podcast series while you feed or cuddle your baby. This way, you’re not just staying on top of chores but also indulging in some much-needed entertainment and brain stimulation.

Simplify Feeding

When you’re a new mom, anything that saves time is a godsend. So something like a double electric breast pump that can get the job done a little faster is a must-have. Things like this allow you to spend less time doing time-consuming things, which means you can actually take a nap when the baby naps or, dare I say, a full hair washed and legs shaved kind of shower. Also, keep a stash of pumped milk so your partner or family can jump in and feed the little one while you sleep or do something for YOU.

Formula moms, keep your chin up! Pre-measure the powder into little holders for a quick fix during sleepy midnight feeds. Knowing your baby is fed and happy can really take a load off your mind.

Tips On Thriving Through Those First Few Baby Months

Set Realistic Goals And Expectations

Look, your home doesn’t need to be Pinterest-perfect. Sometimes, just getting through the day without a major meltdown (yours or the baby’s!) is a win. Cut yourself some slack. Dirty dishes can wait. What can’t wait? You catching a moment to breathe. And when you manage to get through the day with no accidents or emergencies, count it as a huge success. Don’t set the bar so high that you can never reach it and end each day feeling like a total failure. Small, reachable goals for each day is what it’s all about. 

Establish A Sleep Routine Early

Seems impossible now, but babies are pretty good at picking up routines if you stick to them. Start simple: dim lights, soft music, and a cosy blanket. It might take a few tries (okay, a lot), but finding a rhythm that gets your baby to sleep at set times could mean you get to clock in some extra relaxation time too! Consistency is key, and you’re going to love knowing what to expect so that you can plan your day around the little babe’s schedule.

Tips On Thriving Through Those First Few Baby Months

Seek And Accept Help

Let’s make this clear: it’s absolutely, 100% okay to ask for help. Got a neighbour offering to babysit for the morning? Say yes! Got a friend who wants to drop off dinner? Double yes! It’s not extravagant; it’s essential for your sanity. Little helping hands here and there means you can focus on yourself, even if just for a little while. After all, it takes a village to raise a child, and there’s no shame in rallying that village to your side.

Focus On Nutrition

Eating well might take a back seat when you’re juggling a newborn, but let’s try to keep it in the passenger seat at least. Snack on fruit or chop some veggies ahead of time for easy grazing. Smoothies can be a total lifesaver—throw in fruits, veggies, and a scoop of protein powder for a quick meal you can sip on one-handed. Plus, good nutrition helps your body recover and keeps your energy levels more stable, which you absolutely need right now.

Tips On Thriving Through Those First Few Baby Months

Practice Self-Compassion

Be gentle with yourself. Every mom is winging it, some just hide it better. You’re doing an amazing job in an incredibly tough gig. So, when the days blend into nights and everything feels overwhelming, remember to breathe. You’ve got this. And guess what? You’re not alone. Remind yourself daily: you’re doing the best you can, and that’s more than enough.

Finding your way through early motherhood and the first baby months is no small accomplishment, but with a few tricks up your sleeve, it can be less about survival and more about enjoyment. Embrace the chaos, lean on your loved ones, and don’t forget to laugh—it’s good for the soul. And trust me, every small step you take today is making a difference in tomorrow.

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