A young boy using a laptop computer sitting on top of a book shelf

The Role of Parents in Education

April 28, 2020

Featured Article

A child’s education begins at home and parents are a child’s first teacher. The important role that a parent plays impacts a child’s education as well as their individual character. Ultimately. Both home and school together shape a child’s education and learning. If a parent wants their child to succeed in education then their encouragement is vital. Below we will provide you with some insight as to your role in your child’s education.

Keep an eye out

As much as you keep an eye out on what your child does at home, you also need to keep an eye on what your child is doing at school. In fact, the way they behave in general does impact and link to how well a child does in their education. If your child is displaying behavior that’s not appropriate, then correct this behavior and show them the right path and decisions that they should be making. It’s also worth teaching your child how to be independent and organized when it comes to their everyday routine and completing their homework.

A close up of a toy

Help with homework

If you help your children with their homework, you will lift the desire to learn. This does not mean that you need to help them complete all their homework so that they have the freedom to play. What’s better is to work on homework together and provide them with guidance and tips to ensure that they complete it to the best standard. If you’re struggling yourself to understand something that your child is learning then remember you can get professional help and advice from online essay writing services such as AdvancedWriters.com

Make time for your children

As working parents, you know how tight schedules can be. That said, it’s crucial to make sure that you regularly put time aside for your children. A good parent-child relationship is crucial so take time to eat together, spend time doing things that you enjoy together and where possible, go for days out together.

Share books together

When you share books and read together with your child, you provide your child with additional confidence and support with their reading. Reading encourages an interest in books and makes children want to read more. It also helps to improve a child’s vocabulary. When you have any spare time, it is also worth visiting your local library and reading books together. This gives your child the chance to soak up new knowledge and information, outside of the classroom.

Book and Reading


Children are inspired by their parents, so it’s obvious that parents need to be positive role models. As a parent, you need to show your children how the school is meaningful and exciting.

Provide constructive criticism

If your child is struggling with an aspect of their studies or not putting maximum effort in then this needs dealing with as early as possible. This does not mean you should go and criticize them in an unnecessary way. What you need to do is provide your child with constructive criticism in a patient way. Your aim is to get your child to see what is right and what is wrong and not just to lay blame on them.

Reward them

If you want your child to succeed then you need to provide them with positive motivation i.e rewards. Rewards can help a child to perform well going forward. However, it’s important to bear in mind to not bombard them with rewards for everything that they do. Only reward children when they have tried extra hard or excelled at something. 

A person standing in front of a blackboard

Don’t overdo things

Your child will probably get plenty of homework so don’t overdo additional activities at home. Bear in mind that a child spends approximately half a day at school, so when they are at home it is better to help them organize and complete their homework rather than adding additional activities on top. It’s also important to help your child to balance school work and rest time as the quality of life is obviously very important.

Help them get ready for exams

During the exam period, don’t leave your children alone to complete their tasks and revision. Instead, you can assist by helping them get ready for their exams by supporting and guiding them. A good idea would be to provide short tests so that your children get used to the whole test experience. Additionally, you can also provide your children with extra support in those areas that they are struggling with.

A happy home atmosphere

The atmosphere at home needs to be happy and peaceful. If there are any issues going on at home then try not to talk about them in front of your children. As parents, your main job is to provide your children with the support that they need and not to forget that this is your ultimate role.

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