Well, that was a busy old month. To be fair July always is in our family, despite only having one birthday to celebrate. It’s filled with end of school year preparations, activities and the mad dash to get as much work completed before the children are home.
Now that I work from home, I don’t have the usual childcare juggle. No more swapping children in the hospital car park before a shift or shipping the children up to my mum’s house for a week or two so that I can cram in extra shifts to be able to have time at home with them. It’s a somewhat more relaxed affair, although a few late nights will be had to answer emails etc. I can’t complain as I am incredibly privileged to be able to be at home with them throughout the day.
This is the month that was… July 2019
I can’t sugar coat what an awful month July has been and as much as I never want to wish the time away. I am so pleased to have turned the calendar over to August this morning. The month has snowballed from overstepping the mark, talking too much and offering opinions where they have not been wanted. For the first time in a long time, I really thought about closing down my little corner of the internet and stepping away from it all. All of this has had a knock-on effect on my health which has been suffering this month. Plagued by migraines, sickness and fatigue, my body screaming at me to slow down, to stop, take stock and recharge.
Her first year at high school is now completed, and on the whole, she has settled in really well. There have been hiccups along the way but sadly, this is part and parcel of high school life and growing up. As parents, all we can do is offer our support and guidance, but ultimately it is up to her to navigate through some of these challenges.
Teenage hormones are starting to take hold and we are in the midst of mood swings (how delightful these are… not!). With her going from her happy go lucky self to mad at the world and everything in it. This has come with some consequences which almost resulted in her not getting her ear pierced – something she has been asking for since she was around seven years old. Fingers crossed for a calmer, more chilled out August.
Earlier in the month, Tigger and I enjoyed a little trip to Cambridge. Just a few hours of just the two of us and he loved it. Mentioning to me that we rarely get time just the two of us, which made my heart ache but he was right. If anything he spends more time with What The Dad Said than he does one-on-one with me. Something I need to change and hopefully we can have some mum and son outings soon.
School is also out for Tigger for the summer. He was a little disappointed with his teacher for next year. Although she is perfectly lovely, he had his heart set on the other year 4 teacher after spending time in her classroom whilst his class went on a residential camp in May.
Piglet waved a fond farewell to the day nursery that has been part of her life for the past two years. Spending time in all but one of the rooms she has met some amazing childcare workers along the way. Some of which have made her feel like a family member rather than just another child within their room. For this, I will eternally be grateful. As any working parent will tell you, the decision to utilise childcare is never an easy one. So knowing that she was happy and loved there makes it a little easier to bear.
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