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In the blink of an eye our children grow up and before we know it we are approaching the teenage years, but what can you expect from the next few years of parenting?
Having children is one of those things that many of us go through, and when they are younger we can be so focused on how they develop as a baby and toddlers. Their school years and doing the best for them. But we can forget that at some point they are going to start to grow up and approach their teen years, and this can be quite a scary prospect for parents. There are some areas you may need to discuss. With that in mind, here is what to expect as your child approaches their teenage years.
What to expect as your child approaches their teenage years

It’s going to happen. Hormones are going to start raging through your kid’s body as they make that progression from child to adult body. There is going to be a need for discussions on the body changes they will experience. Although sometimes when this happens, they may still be too young to understand completely what is going on. It’s a confusing time.
Dental Health
We all remember the battle to get kids to brush their teeth regularly when they were small. But it seems as they head into their teenage years you are going to have to make sure they keep it up. There may come an occasion when an emergency dentist might be needed, especially as teenagers are even less inclined to keep up with dental hygiene. This is also an ideal time for them to have regular checkups with their dentist and for any correction work to take place.

Birds and the Bees talk
If they haven’t picked it up by now, it will be down to me to explain the birds and the bees. A conversation most parents might dread. It’s trying to find the right way to explain it all without scaring them or over-complicating things. Whilst most schools cover this in one form or another, it is good to open those lines of communication with them and highlight that no topics are taboo with you. It’s a fine line and some of it will be picked up from peers and others around them.
Finance lessons
As they enter their teenage years, it’s the perfect time to discuss the value of money and try and teach them good lessons about finances. Encouraging them to save their pocket money and to appreciate the things that get bought with money. To learn the true cost of items and to realise money has to be earnt. Set them up with a bank card so that you can track their spending, checking that you can see that they have enough left to pay for their bus ticket or buy their lunch etc. As well as being able to share where they are spending their money and give tips on how to make the most of what they have.

This may be another thing that a lot of parents dread. Teenagers tend to develop an attitude, don’t they? They have an answer or comment for everything and answer back with such sass. They may not want to do the things you want them to. and it’s not about getting angry or upset with them. It’s finding the right way to communicate. They are pushing boundaries. Much like a toddler does when having a tantrum.
The best advice is to take what they say with a pinch of salt. They won’t mean any horrible things they might say – and are quite possibly regretting the things they did say when they are sitting in their rooms so try not to be too hard on them.
As with puberty, this tends to be the time you have to talk about personal hygiene. The use of deodorant and washing regularly is the main concern here. Kids can be awful to one another in the schoolyard, so it’s essential that parents help their kids out by pointing them in the right direction. It’s all about teaching good habits to last a lifetime. Taking them to the supermarket or similar store so that they can select the scents and products that they want may help them want to utilise the products on a regular basis.
So there you have it, what to expect when it comes to navigating the teenage years. Apart from them exploring their identity and pushing boundaries, it should be plain sailing.