{Life Lately} Back to School 2022

September has arrived once again and back to school is once again on the calendar for the children. Had we not been parental rebels and taken the children away for the first week of the month, they would have returned to school much earlier than I think I’ve ever known.

Christmas, New PJ’s and Happy Birthday To Me! #LittleLoves

This month’s #LittleLoves… It’ time to wave a fond farewell to the festive season and the final month of 2021. December always seems to pass by in a blur of school Christmas activities, family fun and, of course, Christmas. Hopes for a more ‘normal’ Christmas after last years life in lockdown Christmas were scuppered somewhat but actually, in many ways, we had a much more laid back celebration.

Simply Having A Wonderful Little Christmas Time

In the twinkle of a Christmas light and another chocolate eaten, Christmas for the most part is over another year. I hope you all had yourself a merry little Christmas with whomever you share your festivities with. All the build-up to the big day and it is gone so quickly but the Christmas memories made can last a lifetime.

The Month That Was… February 2021

The shortest month of the year is over and it certainly lived up to its name. Whilst normally I would be grumbling about missing a day or two, maybe even a week from the month. However, I really do feel as though I missed at least half of the month. I blinked and before I knew it, it was time to turn the calendar over again to kickstart a new month.

The Month That Was… January 2021

With the first month of a new year, we had a sense of hope that this year would allow us to embrace more of life than we were able to last year. Within days of ringing into the New Year hopes were dashed with another national lockdown imposed and schools closing their doors once again. We were lucky in some ways in that as we are a keyworker family the children are still able to attend school ging them a slice of normality.

The Month That Was… December 2020

In the blink of an eye and the twinkle of the Christmas lights the festive season, for the most part, is over. Whilst December in some ways was much more low key than in previous years. In doesn’t mean that the days didn’t pass us by as quickly.

The Month That Was… November 2020

It’s time to pack away the birthday goodies for another year after all three of the children celebrated their November birthdays. They each enjoyed their birthdays in their own way. Although it was sad that due to the Lockdown 2.0 restrictions we were unable to enjoy a day out or family trip as we would normally.

The Month That Was… October 2020

Autumn days are in full swing with the leaves falling from the trees, the wet and windy weather and the darker days. Life is continuing in somewhat lockdown., opting not to venture out unless necessary. Falling into a pattern of school runs, work, family activities and general family life. The half-term holidays brought us all together with What The Dad Said also off work. Allowing us some much-needed family time and a chance to celebrate Halloween at home.

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