5 Reasons to Live Sustainably and Switch to Solar Power

5 Reasons to Live Sustainably and Switch to Solar Power

April 3, 2021

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Are you thinking about solar panels, but not sure if you should take the plunge? Do you want to live sustainably and save money? If you answered yes, then you may want to consider a switch to solar power to save energy.

The solar energy market is booming for a reason. In 2020, solar made up 43 percent of all new electricity capacity in the U.S.

Wondering why this energy is so popular? Keep reading to learn more about making the switch to solar power and how it can help you.

Why switch to solar panels

5 Reasons to Live Sustainably and Switch to Solar Power

Lower Your Bills

By creating your own power, you only need to get electricity from the grid when you use more than you generate. You can also sell the excess back to the grid, which helps you save even more money.

Batteries also save you money because you can store solar power from the sunlight to use in your home in the evening. This means you use the grid even less.

Avoid Rising Energy Costs

You can eliminate the risk of utility prices increasing with solar energy. On average, residential electricity prices increase an average of three percent each year.

You can fix and lock in your electricity rate and avoid unpredictable increases. This can help you manage your expenses more efficiently too. 

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Solar panels produce renewable energy that helps reduce air pollution and other effects on the environment. You transfer your energy to a source that does not produce any greenhouse gases, like carbon, to harm the environment.

Solar panels are also not affected by climate health issues, so they do not emit more gases to do their job. They are essential in protecting the environment and are known as the most eco-friendly energy source.

Sell Your Home Quicker

Worried about the initial investment? What if these panels could actually increase your property value and help you sell your house faster than other homes without solar energy?

Appraisers are now taking solar installations as an asset as they value homes during the sale process. Homeowners are interested and knowledgeable about solar benefits, so the demand for solar-powered homes continues to grow.

Great Return on Investment

Solar panels are an investment, and their returns rival traditional investments like bonds and stocks. With your savings, you can pay off your solar panel system in about seven to eight years—then get a return on investment of 20 percent or even more!

There are also several tax credits and rebates that can also help you cover these costs. Talk to your solar installer about other ways to save. 

Live Sustainably Today

Along with solar panels, there are numerous things you can do to live sustainably. Finding ways to reduce your energy and use eco-friendly energy systems is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.

Keep checking out our site to find other ways to reduce your carbon footprint as a parent and a homeowner, and save money in the meantime by going green!

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