A little boy sitting at a picnic table

Star Wars, Optical Illusions and The Very Hungry Caterpillar #LittleLoves

Chasing my tail this week doesn’t even come close to how I am feeling. I’m behind with everything from washing (thank you British weather), my blog and completely not ready to head to Manchester for the weekend to Blog On MSI. Roo is off on a school residential next week and whilst I have pulled all the necessary items out of the cupboards I haven’t packed these yet either.


This week has been educating me about Star Wars. I’m in the minority in our household and know only the basics about the cult classic. So with the help of some new Star Wars books, Tigger has been telling me which order the films go in and all about the different characters.

Book and Image


It appears that Piglet can sense when I am about to go away as this week she has been up through the night the day before I go. Needless to say, I’m shattered but it has meant that I’ve been able to watch some of the programmes that I had recorded. With Ian Brady passing away this week it was timely that I had recorded a Channel 5 show about the Moors Murders.


I travelled to London on Tuesday with Roo and Tigger for a campaign that we have been working on (hopefully I can share more soon). Mandi from Hexmum Blog came with us along with two of her children and it was such a wonderful day filled with chatter and laughter


When Roo and Tigger attended their pre-school and then primary school, the school was very much into parent participation. Whilst they children are doing well at their current school it isn’t very great at getting parents involved, so when there is a chance of an afternoon in class with the children you have to grab it with both hands. This week it was Roo’s turn with a science themed cafe, learning all about optical illusions – watching videos, making flick books and drawing optical illusion pictures.


When the sun finally did decide to shine this week (just for a few hours) it seemed the perfect opportunity to get Piglet in her new The Very Hungry Caterpillar romper… It’s so adorable.


Did I mention that I’m off to Blog On MSI this weekend? I’m so excited to catch up with friends as well as possibly learn so valuable hints and tips to work more productively.

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