I don’t feel that I have taken enough photos of Roo and Tigger together this month. I’m not really sure why I haven’t, I know that we have been busy adjusting to school runs, my ever-increasing bump and finishing home renovations.
This past month has seen a slight change to their relationship. Tigger has become much more confident and cheeky which has resulted in him winding Roo up quite a lot. I’m not sure whether it is tiredness or hormones but Roo has at times not been as patience with Tigger as she once was and it makes me sad to see her snap at him sometimes when he just wants her to play or help him.
There are times however when I look at them together and they melt my heart. Whether they are sharing a snuggle on the sofa, fist pumping to congratulate each other for eating their lunch or Roo helping Tigger with his coat in a morning.

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