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Santa’s Toy Shop from Top That Publishing

December 14, 2014

Santa’s Toy Shop

It’s the week before Christmas and the elves are causing trouble in Santa’s Toy Shop!

Can Santa find a solution and still get the presents ready in time for Christmas?

Written and illustrated by Charles E. Reasoner

Published by Top That Publishing

ISBN: 9781784451295

A christmas display

Santa’s Toy Shop

Santa’s Toy Shop is a hive of activity with the green elves preparing wreaths and the red elves making toys. Santa is checking his lost when noise breaks out in his Toy Shop. The red elves want help but the green elves will not help. Santa has to try and get the two sets of elves to work together.

Boo Roo and Tigger Too’s thoughts…

A quirky Christmas story showing children the importance of working together – especially when the other needs and asks for help.

Price and Availability

Available from The Works, with a £6.99 RRP currently on sale for £2.99
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Disclosure: I purchased a copy of Santa’s Toy Shop to include within our Christmas Book Advent

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