REVIEW: Thorntons Nostalgia Range

As you may know, Thorntons is famous for its toffee and fudge, which has had a special place in our hearts for more than 80 years. The Thorntons range of Nostalgia goodies has now been brought bang up-to-date with new flavour twists and vintage packaging, so it will prove just as popular today as it has across the generations!

As well as all the original favourites, available in both bags and boxes including chocolate smothered, treacle, Liquorice and Brazil, there are also new limited edition flavours such as Orange and Cranberry – plus Thorntons have also introduced a special selection of toffee slabs in flavours including Tutti Frutti, Apple Crumble and Chocolate Brownie!

  1. Apple Crumble Special Toffee Slab – delicious toffee made with yummy biscuit crumble pieces
  2. Chocolate Brownie Special Toffee Slab – toffee made with delicious chocolate and chocolate brownie sprinkle on top
  3. Tutti Fruity Special Toffee Slab – Smashingly good Tutti Fruity Special toffee slab!
  4. Chocolate Smothered Special Toffee Box – Original Special Recipe Toffee smothered in chocolate!
  5. Vanilla Fudge Bag – made with real clotted cream, so it’s not only unbelievably soft and smooth, it’s got a rich, sweet flavour that’s hard to beat.

Did you know?

Thorntons special toffee is still made with same secret recipe that Stanley Thornton created in the back of his sweet shop in 1925.

Boo Roo and Tigger Too’s thoughts…

I have to confess and tell you that the Vanilla Fudge lasted all of about 5 minutes, between myself, Roo and Mr Boo the bag was soon gone (each of use blaming the other for eating too many). Thorntons Special Toffee does hold a special place in my heart as I can remember smashing this up when I was younger at my Granny’s house to make Rice Krispie slices. Whilst my Granny had one of those cute little hammers I had to make do with my wooden rolling pin (same effect just ten times harder!).

Each of the Thorntons Nostalgia range is available online at or in a Thorntons near you. All priced under £5.00 each why not pop them inside someone’s Christmas stocking or just treat yourself (adds Vanilla Fudge to shopping list).

Disclosure: We received a selection of toffee and fudge from the Thorntons Nostalgia Range FOC for the purpose of review.

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