A drawing of a face

Piglet Pregnancy – Week 37

November 19, 2015

The end is in sight and I’m feeling quite guilty that I’m wishing the time away. Even though my Piglet pregnancy hasn’t been plain sailing I have still enjoyed it. Watching my bump grow and feeling her kick and wriggle truly is magical.

I am however now on a countdown to my elective caesarean date which still feels strange knowing the birth date (unless of course she decides to come early).


  • Is the size of a Winter Melon
  • Piglet is practising some skills such as inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking all ready for her arrival

A teddy bear


I’ve been feeling quite well for the past week, although she is sitting on my bladder and I feel as though I need the toilet all the time. I’ve had a touch of acid reflux at night which saw me getting up for four hours in the middle of the night as I couldn’t sleep. In many ways it was quite nice to sit downstairs on my own enjoying Netflix and writing up some work.


Still opting for smaller meals I’ve been opting for sandwiches or cereal for the past week as I can’t face anything too big. Although I did enjoy a fabulous piece of battered fish for tea tonight – it was delicious!


I met with my community midwife this morning for my regular check up. My blood pressure etc. is all OK and bump is still measuring big for my dates but as the consultant isn’t concerned she wasn’t either – I guess I just have a big baby in my future. With my pre-op appointment coming up the community midwife doesn’t now need to see me until after I have given birth.

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