A drawing of a face

Piglet Pregnancy – Week 28

September 19, 2015

There are days when I feel like this pregnancy is going so quickly. I have slight panic that I’m not really and still have so much to organise. There are other days however when I feel like I’m going to be pregnant forever, like the sickness and exhaustion will never pass.


  • Piglet is now as big as an eggplant
  • She’s starting to develop more fat, so her wrinkly skin will start to get smoother.
  • Her lungs are mature enough that she’d probably survive if she was born now.

A teddy bear


It’s been a mixed couple of weeks there are days when I felt really good and managed to get things completed. However there are days when my motivation feels like it has got up and left. Exhaustion seems to creep up on me and wipe me out.

I’ve been suffering with sciatica for a couple of weeks which has been getting worse. I popped to see my GP this week who has given me a couple of exercises to try to hopefully ease my discomfort.


I’ve got a thing for battered fish at the moment which is bizarre as fish normally makes me vomit. Mr Boo is finding this very strange as in all the 15 years we have been together he has never known me to eat fish.


It’s been a busy week for appointments with a glucose tolerance test, growth scan, consultants appointment and a trip to see the GP too. My GTT was truly awful but thankfully came back clear which I treated myself to a delicious cake.

My growth scan was quick, a clinical scan taking all the required measurements rather than the ‘oh look there is baby’s face‘ etc. After which I got to see the consultant, which whilst he wasn’t sure why I was there and wouldn’t give me a caesarean date other than it would be around 39 weeks he was actually quite helpful. Having checked my latest test results he found that I was anaemic (my HB levels have dropped almost 30 points) and I’ve finally been started on iron tablets (hooray!). I’m now booked to see him again at 35 weeks to hopefully get a date.

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