Blogging 101 | 4 signs blogging is not for you

May 18, 2021 No Comments

Blogging, no doubt, is a growing passion, hobby, or business of the time. Earlier thought of as a passion or side business, it has now been established as one of the career options for many writing enthusiasts. If you are not patient enough to give all your hard work and wait for the right time to let it flourish, then blogging is not for you.

How To Communicate With Your Teen

May 13, 2021

The teenage years are certainly tricky for parents. Some people can relate them to the terrible twos. After all, they are doing exciting new things and they are trying to push boundaries at the same time. With the odd tantrum thrown in for good measure. You might have thought those days were behind you, but teenagers can be more alike to their two-year-old self than you would like to admit.

Chalkola – Not A Pinterest Mum? These Craft Ideas Will Question That

May 10, 2021

While the ‘Pinterest mum’ is a myth and doesn’t really exist, you can aspire to make some changes to the way you entertain your kids, embrace activities and rid yourself of the mum guilt you are likely hoarding. Without further ado, below are some of the craft ideas that will have you questioning whether you could actually be that “Pinterest mum” after all.

Water Play: Interesting Benefits Of It And How You Can Do More Of It With Your Child

May 1, 2021

While you may agree that water play is something your child will love, you might be wondering how to go about creating an engaging activity involving water, what will be suitable for your child, and even the benefits of making this effort. With that in mind, here are some of those questions answered. Hopefully, if you feel more informed, you may be more inclined to give it a try yourself.

Monthly Goals | May 2021

April 29, 2021

There is a large part of my personality that prefers the busy, hectic days. The days where I’m not clock watching hoping that the clock hands would move a little quicker. Rather hoping that they would slow down a little to allow me to complete more things each day.

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