Jakemans // Sore throat myth busters

December 13, 2017 No Comments

Picture the scene, you’ve just woken up with a sore throat.  Do you think to yourself I need to pop to the pharmacy or supermarket to pick up some lozenges or do you ring your GP practice for an appointment?  I’d like to think that most of us would opt for the first opinion, however, recent research from Jakemans, the leading menthol confectionery brand has uncovered that we are turning to our doctors for harder solutions to treat a sore throat when over-the-counter remedies provide the answer.

Get Your Neighbours To Go Green With Envy Looking At Your New Garden

December 12, 2017 No Comments

Well, winter is here once more, and if you’re like me you might just be staring out at your garden longingly, wish you could get your hands dirty. While winter is never the right time to start gardening and sink your hands into the soil, this doesn’t mean you can’t think about what you’re going to do to your garden. We’ve got some great ideas too and ways that you can certainly make your neighbours more than a little jealous.

5 Remodeling Choices That Can Change An Entire Room

December 12, 2017 No Comments

When people consider room remodeling, it often comes with the image of professionals tearing down walls, demolishing countertops, or throwing out appliances. However, you don’t need to completely overturn a room in order to make a huge change. Here are five different – and relatively small – remodeling choices you can make that will change a room’s entire appearance without breaking the bank.

Incredible Ways To Winter Proof Your Home This Christmas

December 11, 2017 No Comments

Christmastime isn’t only about drinking, eating and opening presents. Okay, it centres on those three things, but you need to fix up the house to have an amazing festive period. This doesn’t mean decorating the living room and putting up a tree, although you should do that before December 25th. Nope, it means getting the house ready for the onset of winter. After all, it will be a memorable day if your property can’t handle the onslaught, but for all the wrong reasons!

Transformers The Last Knight RC Bumblebee

December 11, 2017 No Comments

Shortly after we moved to our new house we found a bright orange car that looked like one of the cars from Transformers.  We would joke that it was resting up after a busy night out fighting the Decepticons as it was always there on the morning school run in the same place.  So you can imagine the delight on Tigger’s face when he came home to find the Transformers The Last Knight RC Bumblebee car sitting waiting for him…

Bumblebee is Optimus Primes most trusted ally. Now it’s up to you and Bumblebee to save the world from the evil Decepticons.

3 Ways to Ensure You Have a Perfect Night’s Sleep

December 11, 2017 No Comments

Most people know when they’ve not had enough sleep after a night on the town or extra hours at work, but what they may not realise is that they are probably not getting adequate rest most of the time. If you often find yourself drowsy at the most inopportune times or going through the day with odd aches and pains, you are probably one of the millions who simply isn’t getting the amount or level of sleep required for health of mind and body. However, don’t worry. There are ways to ensure you get a perfect night’s sleep.

Listen, Sing and Play together with the ROXI Electric Jukebox

December 8, 2017 No Comments

Music is one of those things that brings everyone together. From late teenage nights getting ready to go out and meet up with Mr. Boo after he finished work with friends. I can remember having music blasting out as we got dressed and did our make up. To the nights we would be heading out to clubs and bars painting the night red and singing on karaoke. 

Nowadays our clubbing days might well be over but music still plays a big part in our lives. Something we can enjoy with the children, family and friends no matter what the occasion or just because it’s Sunday night and we are putting off the fact that it’s almost Monday again. 

Small Screen Salaries: How Much Would Your Favourite TV Characters Earn In The Real World?

December 7, 2017 No Comments

Many of us devote a significant amount of time to watching TV. It’s all too common to get hooked on a new series and to spend your breaks chatting about your favourite characters by the water cooler or sparking ferocious debate in your WhatsApp group. If you’re heavily invested in a series, or you’re a fan of TV in general, you may have thought about how those episodes fit in with real life and how realistic the plot twists and nuances really are. One issue that’s interesting to consider is the relationship between a character’s job and their lifestyle. Have you ever wondered how much that character would earn in the real world?

Where Do You Start When Renovating An Old Property?

December 7, 2017 No Comments

With house prices at an all-time high, getting on the property ladder for the first time is a real struggle. Buying a brand new house is all good, but it’s just not financially viable for most first time buyers. You’ve got two options in this situation, you can save for years until you can finally afford that brand new home, or you could buy an older house that needs work and do it up yourself. It’ll be far more affordable to buy an older home but it’s going to take a lot of care and attention to bring it up to scratch. The other benefit is that older homes often have a lot more character than new builds which tend to be built to a very standard design and look very similar to one another. If you think that buying and renovating an older property might be the best option for you, here are some great tips to get you started on the renovation.

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