Family Friendly Winter Attractions in New York City

December 16, 2017 No Comments

If you are heading to New York City with children, you’ll want to plan some family-friendly activities in advance. Planning is especially crucial if your family trip is taking place during the winter months.

While New York City thrives during the winter months, the weather can add some challenges when determining which activities to do, and how to get around the city. Here are some family-friendly attractions to add to your must-see list for New York City.

Have yourself a Trolls Holiday

December 15, 2017 No Comments

Last year we welcomed Trolls into our lives.  We were very lucky to be invited to the Trolls BFI Gala Screening – which was simply amazing!  This was Piglet’s first visit to the cinema, which she thankfully enjoyed due to the bold colours, amazing soundtrack and a packet of Wotsits.  Fast forward to this year and we had downloaded the film onto our Sky box (yes I am too lazy to keep putting the DVDs in and out of the DVD player) for us to watch one weekend.  The Trolls movie is a hit with all of us, but none more so that Piglet… Oh, my goodness, how she loves that film and Princess Poppy.

Saving Up For a Holiday As a Family

December 14, 2017 No Comments

Everybody loves going on a vacation. Holidays are a great pastime the whole world round… except when they’re not. People don’t take as many vacations as they used to, and many of us don’t take an annual holiday. If this sounds like your family, it might be time to start making some changes.

One of the ways to make a vacation happen for your family is to make plans as a family. So often, parents decide what’s going to happen, where the family is going to go, and when it is going to happen. Parents also foot the entire budget, more often than not. But if a family vacation is going to be part of your reality each year, why not let the kids help out?

BISSELL Stain Eraser, erasing the stains of Christmas

December 14, 2017 No Comments

The joys of living with three children mean that I am never far from a new spillage, spot or stain appearing somewhere around the house.  I love my children dearly, but sometimes I’m sure that they just love to see me scrubbing the carpet where their juice cup slipped from their grasp.  Or the no shoes on the carpet rule was flouted yet again (always when they have muddy shoes on!).  Add into this mix the run up to Christmas with friends and family joining us to celebrate.  More food and drinks consumed around the house and it wouldn’t be Christmas without a square or two of Chocolate for breakfast. 

Self-Care Tips for the Working Mum

December 13, 2017 No Comments

You come home exhausted from work and as soon as you walk in the door you are in constant demand to care for your children and tend to household chores. You love your family and your job, but when you feel burnt out there is no way you can be your best self at home or at work. In order to stay afloat and reduce your stress, you must recognise the ways in which you require self-care. Embrace necessary habits and routines of self-care so you can be a better mum, friend and employee.

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