Book Series, Snow and Boots #LittleLoves

February 26, 2021

I’ve been working so much this month that the days have blurred into each other. In some ways it feels like our week of snow was ages ago but in others, it happened just yesterday. It was lovely to enjoy some fun in the snow with the children, forgetting about all the worries and strains. Simply enjoying the moment and watching the snowflakes fall.

Top tips for buying toys for kids

February 16, 2021

Well, if you’re going to buy children’s presents, then you are on the right page because here you will get an idea of how to buy the perfect gift for your little one. No matter if it is a birthday gift or a holiday gift, we all have one thing on our mind: to get toys for kids.

Life In Lockdown | The world turned white {Week 48}

February 14, 2021

The week the world around us turned white and we were able to live in our own version of a snow globe. Whilst we have been fortunate to have a few snow days in recent years, this is possibly the longest the snow has hung around for. Although the soft, powdery snow has turned to either slush or ice – but it still looks like a beautiful wintery scene.

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