Life In Lockdown {Week 51}

March 7, 2021

The calm before the storm phrase – a that has been rolling around my head this week. With the lockdown restrictions starting on the first step of the government’s roadmap out of lockdown tomorrow.

HuGo Explore

March 2, 2021

HuGo Explore turns family walks, outings, or rainy days into an interactive immersive adventure. This unique idea uses GPS, animation, and l educational gameplay to get your little explorers outside, exercising and learning.

The Month That Was… February 2021

March 1, 2021

The shortest month of the year is over and it certainly lived up to its name. Whilst normally I would be grumbling about missing a day or two, maybe even a week from the month. However, I really do feel as though I missed at least half of the month. I blinked and before I knew it, it was time to turn the calendar over again to kickstart a new month.

Life In Lockdown | Roadmap out of lockdown {Week 50}

February 28, 2021

Here we are almost a year since our lives began existing in some form of lockdown. All those weeks, months down the line we are in my ways are older, wiser and stronger people. Time has shone the light on our strengths and weaknesses. Highlighting the areas of our lives we find comfort in and those areas we are happy that have fallen by the wayside.

Keep the kids entertained during lockdown with The Mill House

February 28, 2021

A third national lockdown in the midst of winter isn’t ideal when it comes to entertaining the kids. With the school’s shut and the miserable weather conditions making venturing outside difficult, The Mill House has created a fun array of arts and crafts activities to keep the little ones quiet for a few hours.

Having fun with Little Brian Paint Sticks – mess FREE messy play!

February 27, 2021 No Comments

Little Brian Paint Sticks provides fun, clean and a convenient way of painting. Water-soluble, child-friendly solid paint that twists up and down like a glue stick. They can be used on paper, card, canvas. wood and glass with no need for brushes, water or the usual mess that comes with painting. The chunky feel is ideal for little hands and artwork dries in less than 60 seconds.

Book Series, Snow and Boots #LittleLoves

February 26, 2021

I’ve been working so much this month that the days have blurred into each other. In some ways it feels like our week of snow was ages ago but in others, it happened just yesterday. It was lovely to enjoy some fun in the snow with the children, forgetting about all the worries and strains. Simply enjoying the moment and watching the snowflakes fall.

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