The Benefits of Having a Gift Closet

February 8, 2021

Creating a gift closet means having a bit of space aside in your home where you stock things that would make the “perfect gift” for someone, which you can use later. You can grab extra items in sales, or when you have a little extra money, and avoid the headaches later.

Life In Lockdown | Chasing My Tail {Week 47}

February 7, 2021

Do you ever have weeks where you are constantly chasing your tail and not managing to accomplish anything? This has been my week, a battle of spinning plates in an attempt to keep on top of things or catch up on things that I haven’t achieved. Although as I sit down to share with you another life in lockdown diary, there are still so many things left for me to complete.

4 Design Features That Make Your Bathroom More Hygienic

February 3, 2021

Hygiene is important in any room in your home, but it’s crucial in the bathroom. There are a lot of germs present in the bathroom and if you don’t stay on top of the cleaning, it can be very bad for your health. But cleaning the bathroom is probably last on your list of things you love doing, so are there ways to make it easier?

How To Prepare for a Trip Abroad

February 2, 2021

Planning a trip overseas can prove to be a daunting task, especially if you do not have previous experience. Below are a few simple steps that can go a long way in ensuring that the trip is as stress-free as possible.

The Month That Was… January 2021

February 1, 2021

With the first month of a new year, we had a sense of hope that this year would allow us to embrace more of life than we were able to last year. Within days of ringing into the New Year hopes were dashed with another national lockdown imposed and schools closing their doors once again. We were lucky in some ways in that as we are a keyworker family the children are still able to attend school ging them a slice of normality.

Life In Lockdown | Lockdown Milestones {Week 46}

January 31, 2021

The end of the first month of 2021 and I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking that we wouldn’t (or hoping) be still living life in lockdown. The ‘new normal’ that we discovered last year is here to stay and I’m starting to forget what life was like when we were able to go out freely and hug loved ones.

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