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Oh My Blog! Let’s Talk Mother’s Day with And Jacob Makes Three

March 18, 2017

Oh My Blog is a monthly interview series, where fellow bloggers come together to answer a series of questions on a specific theme. This is a chance to get acquainted with a whole range of bloggers, some of whom you may not have heard of before, and learn a little more about them!

This month, the theme is Mums (because it’s Mother’s Day soon!) and we’re hosting Kelly from And Jacob Makes Three.

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1. How long have you been a mum? Introduce us to your children.

I have been a mum for just over 6 months now. Jacob is my first child, and he’s a little live-wire!

2. What’s been the best thing about it so far?

Watching how quickly he’s developed has been amazing. He’s now really response and laughs and smiles at you and that’s just so lovely.

3. Best baby brain story. More dozy the better!

I poured milk into my glass of squash instead of my coffee once! I blame the tiredness.

4. You’ve won the lottery (yay!) What is the first thing that you buy for yourself? (Not for the kiddies!)

A bigger house! We’re looking at the moment but it’s so expensive.

5. What’s the first thing you do once the kids have gone to bed?

Start cooking my dinner. I’m always absolutely starving by the time Jacob’s in bed.

6. What are your plans for Mother’s Day this year?

I haven’t really thought about it yet! My ideal would be to go for Sunday lunch at a nice country pub and then have a little walk afterward

7. What are you most looking forward to in the years to come as a mum?

Getting more sleep! Ha! I’m looking forward to getting lots more cuddles and kisses—he’s not big on sitting still so unless I’m feeding him I don’t get many cuddles at the moment… I also can’t wait to see what sort of person he’s going to be as an adult.

8. What’s the best Mother’s Day present you’ve ever received?

I’ll let you know once I’ve had my first Mother’s Day 🙂

9. Did you do anything special or specific to announce that you were going to become a mum?

I had big plans to tell my husband in a special way, but I got way too excited and thrust a pee-stick at him really early on a Saturday morning when he’d just woken up! I think he was a bit confused!

10. What’s the biggest way you’ve changed since becoming a mum? Aside from now having a small human to take care of, obviously.

I’m now a lot less well-presented! Covered in snot, sick and who knows what else, with usually unwashed hair. Being a mum isn’t glamorous…

On a more serious note, I think I’m slightly more relaxed now. I’ve realised that lots of the little things I worried about really weren’t that important.

11. What’s the one thing you wish someone had told you about becoming a mum?

To appreciate alone time before the baby arrives. Back before the baby was born I took all my free time for granted!

12. Be honest here… have you passed any of your bad habits on to your kids yet? We promise we won’t judge.

As he’s only 6 months, I don’t think so. I’m sure I will, though!

13. What is your absolute must-have item now that you’re a parent? One thing you can’t leave the house without or need for your kid’s bedtime. What’s integral to your daily life now?

A muslin. Great for so many things: clearing up sick, playing peek-a-boo, acting as a sun shade. So versatile. Plus Jacob likes sucking on one, so it’s also a comfort blanket type thing.

14. What’s the weirdest mum conversation you’ve found yourself having? Be it with your child, your partner or even a fellow mum? We all know we end up talking about weird stuff.

My partner and I spend a ridiculous amount of time discussing poo! I never thought that would be us. But no, now we talk about it all the time. We’re weirdly obsessed by the last time the baby went, what it was like, and now he’s weaning, how much it stinks.

15. Finally, what’s the biggest lesson your time as a mum has taught you?

That no one really knows what they are doing, and that’s fine. We’re all just winging it.

If you enjoyed this post, you should head over to Kelly’s blog and social media channels!

Blog: http://www.andjacobmakesthree.com 
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/andjacobmakes3 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andjacobmakesthree/ 
Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/andjacobmakes3/

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