Nikon D3200 Accessories {Wednesday Wishlist}

After saving up my Christmas and 30th Birthday money to buy my Nikon D3200 camera I finally managed to buy it… over a year ago and I’m still completely overwhelmed by all the features on it. Whilst the camera gives me some fabulous photos from just using the Auto setting it does make it a very expensive point and shoot camera.

I really need to put some time and effort into learning about my Nikon camera. Seeing how it works and how I can take photos on different settings. In order to do this I have put together a wishlist of Nikon D3200 accessories that I’d like to buy to aid me with my quest to conquer the magic of DSLR.

A close up of a device

DURAGADGET Rucksack / Case (Photo range) – With hopes of adding different lens I will need to have something capable of holding them all so that I can select the relevant one depending on what I am hoping to capture.

Nikon ML-L3 Remote Control – Looking back through photo on my computer the other day I realised that despite me wanting to be in more of them (I’m usually the one with the camera) I’m only in a handful of them. This makes me sad as when Roo and Tigger are older they will have very few photos of me to help remember their childhood. I’m hoping that by using a remote control I can grab some family photos.

Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G Lens – When I bought my Nikon D3200 it came with the standard 18-55mm lens and from speaking with many other DSLR users they all rave about the 50mm lens. Perfect for capturing portraits and blurring the background I hope that this will help me capture some wonderful photos of Roo and Tigger (it might even help my food photography).

Hama Star 62 Tripod with Carry Case – To help me set up shoots better especially when I am trying to create a look and want to tinker with props etc (or bribe the children to sit nicely).

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