Nestlé #BreakfastSurvival

February 27, 2014

Every morning in the Boo Roo and Tigger Too household it feels just like groundhog day. No matter how organised I attempt to be we always seem to be chasing our tails. Plus with the unfortunate loss of our beloved car we now need to leave the house earlier in order to walk to school, get there on time and for me to head off to work.

Last week we were invited down to London to meet with the Nestlé breakfast team who understand that breakfast time is about survival and just how challenging breakfast time can be as a parent. They shared their recent research which showed that parents often face up to 10 tasks within the breakfast hour, averaging at just six minutes per task. Personally I think if you throw in more than one child it can soon add on multiple jobs.

The breakfast hour

  • Get up
  • Get washed
  • Get dressed
  • Make packed lunches (no matter how many times I think I will do it the night before it never happens)
  • Breakfasts
  • Hair
  • Book bags
  • Shoes
  • Coats, hats, scarves
  • Finally leave the house

Celebrity Mum, Marina Fogle, says: “Just like most families, sometimes we find it hard to navigate the jungle of the morning routine. But, however busy we are, making time for a nutritious breakfast is key. A bowl of cereal is not just quick and easy but a source of important nutrients my family needs to start the day in a nutritious balanced way.”

Nutritionist, Juliette Kellow, explains: “Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. You haven’t eaten for about 12 hours so it’s vital your body gets the kick start it needs to help see you through the morning. By eating whole grain cereals with milk, you can ensure you get a mix of fibre, together with vitamins and minerals such as iron and calcium.”

A group of people sitting at a table

With their range of cereals available for taste testing Roo wasted no time and tucked into a bowl of Cookie Crisp, much better than the bus tasting that they had going on next door!

A person holding a baby

Nestlé Cereals are a great choice for breakfast and what’s even better is there’s hardly any mess, washing up or preparation! Each bowl is made with whole grain and is a great source of at least seven vitamins and minerals and with over two dozen different Nestlé Cereals to choose from there’s no need to worry about everyone wanting something different. What’s more, each serving of Nestlé Cereals only costs around 26p per bowl and that’s including the price of the milk!

Disclosure: We received our travel expenses for attending the event

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