Monthly Goals | August 2020

The end of the month is in sight, with the school year now completed – albeit a very different school year than we’ve ever experienced. The children are pleased not to be completing school work from home and the dining table can finally be free of stationery, paperwork and books. It’s time to start focusing on the summer holidays and how to fill/enjoy the days ahead.

How did I get on with last months goals?

Despite the usual split month of juggling the end of the school year and the beginning of the summer holidays, I feel as though I have managed to achieve most of the things I had set out to do. I still have outstanding emails in my inbox but I’m hoping to bust through these one evening so that I can enter August with only new items popping up.

No-spend month

Whilst I might not have managed a complete full no-spend month. I have been more conscious about the things that we are buying as well as looking at our everyday expenses to see where we can make savings. What The Dad Said managed to get a discount on our Sky package so this has helped reduce that cost each month.

Day tripping

For the first time since before the lockdown started all five of us were in the car together. It felt so strange but at the same time something so familiar and comforting having us all together. With the school summer holiday now upon us, we are looking to venture out more often – socially distanced of course!

Finishing touches

This is one goal that I am pleased to say that I’ve made a big effort this month. The biggest achievement was Roo’s bedroom now completed and decluttered. Alongside other odds jobs completed around the house. Obviously, there are now a whole other collection of jobs added to the list but it’s good to see some of the older outstanding jobs finally ticked off the list.

monthly goals

My Monthly goals and plans for August

Usually, I would come into August without any monthly goals thinking that having the children home full time etc. is enough to think about. Although having had four months of lockdown under my belt I’m feeling that I’m able to set some monthly goals, albeit family orientated.

Garden jobs

As the lockdown started I made a garden bucket list, which I have been slowly working through. There are some tasks still outstanding such as cleaning the patio etc. I’m hoping with the sunny weather I’ll be able to tick more of these off the list whilst the children are playing.

Staying local

Living in Norfolk we are fortunate to have a range of places to visit on our doorstep. From beautiful beaches, woodlands, nature trails and beauty spots. I’m looking to visit both family favourites as well as new places across the month.

Switching off

August is one of the times of the year that I attempt to step away from both my MacBook and my phone more often. Being a more present parent, rather than one distracted my her to-do list, emails and social media notifications. I hate to use the cliche of ‘you only get 18 summers with your children‘ but I do think about the quality time needed with the children whilst they are young – and still wish to hang around with their mum.

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