moms skincare routine

Easy Ways for Busy Moms to Have Healthier Skin

December 24, 2020

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As a parent, you probably know that your hygiene is not always on the top of your list of priorities. Taking a little time to care for yourself and your skin is important, though, so here are a few tips to help you get your skincare routine down to a few easy steps.

5 simple ways to improve your skincare routine

moms skincare routine - life is beauty full

Put baby wipes to good use

If you’re a mom to a baby or young toddler, you probably have packages of baby wipes tucked around the house. To avoid spending extra on special make-up remover wipes or cotton pads and bottles of micellar water, just utilize the wipes you already have. They’re gentle enough not to irritate a baby’s bottom, which means they shouldn’t cause problems for the skin on your face. Plus, they still do a good enough job of cleaning that they’ll remove the top layers of make-up and oil from your face. If you’re worried about creating waste and want a more environmentally friendly option, look for biodegradable wipes, which won’t contribute to waste in landfills.

Invest in a hydrating cleanser

Look for a moisturizing cleanser for your face that won’t strip healthy oils. Dozens of budget-friendly and gentle cleansers will remove make-up and dirt without drying out your skin. When your skin is adequately moisturized, you’ll look more awake and put-together, even if you don’t feel that way.

Use SPF-lotion

Using sun protection is not just a recommendation from dermatologists; it’s something that everyone should get in the habit of doing year-round. Instead of purchasing two separate bottles of product, however, you can just get lotion with SPF in it already and apply that as your daily moisturizer. Shielding your skin from UV rays can help fade dark spots and prevent wrinkling in the future. If you have older kids, showing them that protecting your skin is vital to you will likely make them think more carefully about it too.

Set reminders to drink water

Amid the rush to make sure your kids are eating and drinking enough, it can be easy to forget about yourself. Water is not optional, though, so either set reminders on your phone or leave notes around the kitchen telling yourself to drink water. Being well hydrated has loads of benefits, including increased energy levels, relieving headaches, and moisturizing your skin. By drinking enough plain water throughout the day, you’ll stay looking refreshed and energized.

drink more water - moms skincare routine

Plan self-care days

You probably worry a lot about keeping your kids safe, happy, and healthy, but do you worry that much about your health? Allowing yourself time to relax and take care of yourself is crucial, and one way you can do that is by blocking out time for skincare routine. Plan at least one night per month where you can give yourself plenty of time to wash, exfoliate, mask, and sip some tea. If you have it planned out in your schedule, you’re not as likely to fill that time with something else.

If you have the money and someone to watch your kids, allow yourself to get a facial once every few months as well. This way, you’ll be guaranteed some quiet time to yourself while helping your skin’s health.

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