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Living Arrows Week Forty-Four {2015}

November 2, 2015

Roo has always been one to dress up, she has had a large selection of dress up clothes for as long as I can remember. Often putting on fashion shows for us to ‘enjoy’.

Tigger however goes through spurts of dressing up and has a selection of superhero costumes in his wardrobe that might only see the light of day a couple of times throughout the year.

So when my little boy chose a vampire (Dracula) costume whilst we were out shopping the other day I wondered whether he would actually wear it. Come Halloween he was happy to get dressed up but wanted to be a Ninja Turtle rather than a vampire but with some coaxing from Mummy he opted to try on the vampire costume and was quite happy to wear it for most of the evening.

A little boy wearing a suit and tie

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth – Khalil GibranA close up of a logo

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