A person standing in front of an orange flower

Let’s Turn The TV Off And Head Outside

March 27, 2017

Now that spring is here, you are probably busy trying to encourage your kids to go and play outside more. Even if they just spend an hour kicking a ball around your garden, they will be getting some exercise and can fill their lungs with all that fresh air! It’s much better than spending another hour in front of the TV! Are you finding it difficult to persuade your children of all the benefits of turning the TV and going outside for a bit? Here are some ways you can coax them outdoors.

Let’s Turn The TV Off And Head Outside

A person standing in front of an orange flower

Buy Some Outdoor Toys

Kids have brilliant imaginations and should be able to keep themselves occupied for an hour or so on their own. But it’s a good idea to also buy some outdoor games that they can play when they use up all of their imagination. Things like swingball, large Jenga, and cricket sets will go down very well with the kids. You can usually find coupons for Amazon on DontPayFull.com, so you won’t have to spend too much on these games. If you have the money, you might want to also think about treating the kids to a slide or jungle gym set.

Camp In Your Garden

Why not plan an evening camping in the garden? The kids will be very excited about this and will love helping you erect the tent. You can look for a new tent at podtents.com/?v=79cba1185463. This is a great way to get the kids into camping, and they won’t have to worry about being too far from modern comforts. However, you should get them to leave their smartphones and devices in the house! You can keep them entertained by building a campfire and toasting marshmallows and having a singalong. If you’re all feeling brave, you could even tell the kids some ghost stories!

Watch Out For Wildlife

There is a lot of wildlife living in your garden. Even if you don’t always see the creatures and birds straight away, they are definitely there! Kids will really enjoy getting out and spotting the different wildlife. You might want to give them some binoculars to make it easier to spot birds in the trees. Keep a list of all the different animals, birds, and insects that you see, and you can compare your lists every time you go out for some wildlife spotting.

Photo Safari

Next time you take the family to your local park, remember to take your camera with you. You might want to get some disposable cameras for the kids. Encourage them to take some pictures of things that they see when you are walking around. These could be pictures of wildlife or park attractions, such as fountains and ponds. If you don’t want to go to the park, you can still do this in your garden. Just take some pictures of the different plants that are in your garden. Once the pictures are developed, your kids can create a gorgeous collage out of them.

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