Ways to Keep the Kids Happy on a Long Drive

How to Keep the Kids Happy on a Long Drive

June 17, 2024


Going on a long drive with the family. Whether you’re heading off on a dun road trip around the country or you’re driving long distance to visit family members, if you have the kids in the back of the car, you are going to need to plan not only for their regular toilet breaks (no one wants an accident) but also to keep them happy, so the trip doesn’t turn into an episode of tantrums and tyres, right? Here are some things that will definitely help with that!

Ways to Keep the Kids Happy on a Long Drive

Ways to Keep the Kids Happy on a Long Drive

1. Tech to the Rescue

Tablets loaded with games, movies, and educational apps can be a lifesaver on long journeys. Make sure each child has their headphones to avoid a mini DJ battle in the backseat. Pre-download content to avoid data charges and ensure entertainment continues without a hitch, even in areas with spotty reception.

2. Podcast Party

Who said screen time has to win out? Mix things up with family-friendly podcasts. There’s a whole world of stories, music, and learning out there that can captivate kids of all ages. From fairy tales and science explorations to classic adventures like ‘The Famous Five’, podcasts can provide hours of entertainment and maybe even a peaceful nap time.

3. Scavenger Hunt – Road Edition

Create a list of items for your kids to spot along the journey—think of specific types of vehicles, animals, or road signs. Each spot earns points, and you could offer a small prize for the winner. It’s a great way to keep them engaged with the world zipping by outside their windows instead of zoning out on screens.

4. Creative Crayons

Bring creativity into the confines of your car with travel-friendly art supplies. Think crayons, pencils, and sketchbooks, or go high-tech with a digital drawing pad. Set challenges like drawing the funniest monster or their favourite holiday memory. You’ll not only keep them busy but also have some unique keepsakes from the trip.

5. Crossword Conundrums

Crossword puzzles are perfect for older children, and you can do them on or offline, depending on your needs. They challenge their brains and extend their vocabulary. Bring a puzzle book or find some printable puzzles online that fit their age group. For a family twist, work on a giant crossword together, helping each other find the answers.

Ways to Keep the Kids Happy on a Long Drive

6. Audiobook Adventures

Audiobooks are fantastic for bringing stories to life. Whether it’s the latest children’s bestseller or a beloved classic, listening to a story unfold as the miles roll by can be a magical experience. Choose a book the whole family can enjoy, and you’ll find yourselves drawn into another world together.

7. Snack Attack

Never underestimate the power of snacks in maintaining backseat bliss. Pack a variety of healthy options and some special treats. Use snack time as an opportunity to stop and stretch legs, or distribute them along the way to break up the monotony of a long drive.

8. Travel Bingo

Make or print out bingo cards with common sights and objects one might see on a road trip. As kids spot items, they can mark them off on their cards. The first to complete a line wins. It’s simple, interactive, and keeps everyone on the lookout for new things.

9. Memory Lane

Engage the whole family in storytelling. Have everyone tell their favourite holiday memory or the funniest thing that happened at school. It’s a great way for family members to connect and pass the time sharing laughs and stories.

10. Surprise Packs

Before the trip, put together small ‘surprise packs’ for each child. Fill them with new books, small toys, puzzles, or crafts. Distribute these at intervals on the drive. The novelty of the items and the surprise element itself can be incredibly engaging.

Ways to Keep the Kids Happy on a Long Drive

11. Sing-Along Sessions

Create a family road trip playlist with everyone’s favourite songs. Singing together can be a joyous way to bond and make the time pass quickly. Throw in some silly songs for added laughs.

12. Interactive Travel Maps

Give the kids a map where they can track the journey. They can mark off landmarks as they pass by and learn a bit about geography along the way. It’s educational and keeps them involved in the journey rather than just the destination.

13. Question Time

Have a question session where the kids can ask anything they like about the destination, the route, or road trips in general. This can be both educational and engaging, and it allows children to feel more involved in the travel process.

14. Theme Days

If you are going to be on the rod for multiple days, then try to think of a theme for each day, whether it be superhero day, pirate day or looking for dog days. Let the kids dress up, give them themed activities and playlists, and bring the fun.

15. DIY Travel Journal

Encourage the kids to document their road trip adventures with a DIY travel journal. Provide them with notebooks, colored pens, stickers, and perhaps instant photos you can print along the way. They can write entries, stick in mementos like tickets or leaflets, and draw what they see. This activity not only keeps them busy but also creates a precious keepsake of their journey.

Ways to Keep the Kids Happy on a Long Drive

16. Educational Apps

Load a tablet with educational apps that cater to learning and fun. Look for apps that involve puzzle solving, learning languages, or even geography games that can help them learn about the areas they are travelling through. This way, screen time becomes both engaging and instructive.

17. Nature Bingo

Tailor the classic bingo game to focus on nature. Include things they might see along the road like specific types of trees, animals, or landscapes. It’s a great way for kids to learn about the natural world while actively observing the changing scenery outside their window.

18. Story Cubes

Bring along a set of story cubes—dice with pictures on them. Kids roll the dice and then make up a story based on the images that appear. This is a great game for family participation and can be endlessly entertaining as stories take wild, hilarious turns.

19. Car Karaoke

Invest in a car-friendly karaoke setup. Kids can take turns performing their favorite songs. It’s a fun way to involve the whole family and make the miles fly by with laughter and song.

20. Interactive Audiobooks

Choose audiobooks that require listeners to solve puzzles or make decisions that influence the story. This interactive element keeps kids actively listening and engaged, rather than passively hearing the story.

Ways to Keep the Kids Happy on a Long Drive

21. Craft Kits

Prepare small craft kits that don’t require glue or many loose parts—think string art, simple sewing kits, or bracelet making. These can be handed out during particularly long stretches of the drive to keep hands busy and minds active.

22. Map Marking

Give each child a map and some washable markers. They can track the route, mark interesting spots, and note where they’ve stopped. This can help them visualize the journey and serves as a geographical lesson.

23. Fitness Challenges

At every rest stop, have a mini fitness challenge. This could include who can do the most jumping jacks, run a mini relay race, or a simple yoga stretch. It’s a great way to keep everyone active and break the monotony of sitting.

24. Cloud Stories

You know what? Clouds can be surprisingly interesting, so get the kids to look up and tell you what shapes they can see in the fluff. They’ll get surprisingly creative, and you’ll keep them busy without spending a penny.

Make road trips even better by considering a travel trailer for your next trip. Armed with a few pros and cons, you can make a great choice for your next vacation.

A long drive with kids really doesn’t have to be a stress test for parents. With a bit of preparation and a heap of creativity, you can transform travel time into an enjoyable, memorable part of your holiday for you all!

Photo Credit: Pexels.com

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