It’s only a chocolate heart

January 12, 2012

Yesterday Roo came home from school unhappy as one of the dinner ladies had told her off for having a chocolate heart in her lunchbox. Can I just clarify the situation by stating that the said chocolate heart was the size of a 10p!

A close up of a fruit
(image credit)

Anyway, Tuesday evening Roo fell over on her way home from school (totally face plant) so to cheer her up I placed a chocolate heart in her lunchbox. Also in her lunchbox was a sandwich, yoghurt and chunk of cheese, so I wouldn’t have thought that a small chocolate heart would be a problem.

She was devastated to be told off and if I’m honest I’m really cheesed off about it, I thought about saying something this morning at school but thought better of it.

So today she had exactly same in her lunchbox (she is a creature of comfort) but today I placed a chocolate mini roll in there. Guess what?? she was allowed to eat that which is worse that the silly chocolate heart!!

I understand that children need to have a balanced lunch etc and I have helped out on a number of trips at her school and seen what some people place in their children’s lunchboxes.

I think that this dinner lady needs to put things into perspective…

…it was just a little chocolate heart!

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