A close up of food on a grill

How to Get the Most from Your Garden Furniture During the Winter Months

January 25, 2018

It might seem a crazy idea to spend time sitting in the garden when the misery of the winter weather is upon us. But, with these simple ideas, you can enjoy the winter and your garden, a unique but still beautiful environment.

As soon as October ends, we retreat indoors. And no wonder, the gloom, the grey overcast skies, the rain, the wind and the dark evenings force us to retreat to the warmth of the living room. But Rattan Direct believe it is time to end this desertion of the winter garden. And they have these great ideas for making it a welcoming place…

A close up of food on a grill


The major issue in winter is the fact that temperatures can hover anywhere from sub-zero to an almost balmy 12°. Either way, they are not comfortable temperatures to loiter for long anywhere, never mind the garden.

There is a solution: add heat. And there are two ways of doing this;

  • Patio heaters – not everyone thinks these are a good idea, but the latest models of patio heaters have reduced carbon emissions and so, they are slowly falling back into favour. Either a tall ‘lamppost’ type structure or you can mount an electrical one on a wall etc. They can be incredibly effective, radiating a lot of heat onto a patio or garden area, although they are better in more enclosed spaces.
  • Fire pit – these have really begun to take off and no wonder: there is nothing better, surely, than the dancing, hypnotic flames of a real fire. Load it with wood or even pieces of coal, and you have a blazing hot fire that is perfect for enjoying the outdoors.

A close up of a traffic light


Clearly, another major issue with enjoying the winter garden whilst reclining on your rattan cube sofa is that you can’t see your hand in front of your face. A fire pit would offer a little light but not enough to perhaps enjoy the company of others.

There are many options and thankfully, not all include expensive electrical work, although if you are serious about using your garden in winter, it might be worth investing in outdoor sockets etc.

But solar panelled lights are far more reliable than they once were and with so many different styles to choose from, you can add more than just light to your garden – you can add style too.

From pretty coloured lantern lights to twinkling fairy lights, there is something almost magical about the glow of soft light in a garden.

A couple of people that are standing in the water


Now you have heat and light, you are all set to enjoy a winter’s evening but as a season, its weather is probably the most unpredictable. One day, it can be clear blue skies with temperatures hovering around freezing the next it can be overcast and grey, with rain.

Rain is the main issue in winter, in many ways and so, seeking shelter in the garden whilst enjoying the fire pit and the pretty lights is essential.

Thankfully, there are choices here too, including placing a hard-plastic sheeting acting a roof on a pergola. Or, you may opt for a robust gazebo – but watch the high winds – however, if you introduce heat to a space, you need to ensure there is adequate ventilation.

There is an alternative and it is a fantastic idea. Why not invest in a teepee? Work with a reputable manufacturer and you might find you can have a fire pit in the middle, with your beautiful rattan sofas and chairs arranged around it. Now wouldn’t that be great fun in winter (and beyond)?

A close up of a coffee cup


As well as layering clothes on you, you can add some soft furnishings, from rugs to throws, that make enjoying the winter garden a little more pleasant.

There are all kinds of options, including fleece blankets but Rattan Direct think the best materials are natural ones – and there is one clear winner: wool.

Batted wool blankets are those where the wool has been treated in such a way that it makes a smooth, flat surface and then there is the recent trend of chunky knit rugs and blankets to embrace. The thing with wool is that is it self-regulating, if you like when it comes to how warm or cool it keeps us. And like anything with superb insulation properties, it is a worthwhile investment not just for enjoying your outdoor sofa in winter but for indoors too.

Have you changed your mind about using your garden in winter?

A person wearing a neck tie

At Rattan Direct, they are full of great ideas as they believe that with only a few changes here and there, garden furniture can be enjoyed all year round, and not just for summer. Stay connected on Twitter @RattanDirectLtd

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