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Blogging 101 | How to make SEO work for your blog

The stats and statics are in, and the UK Bloggers Survey 2017 that lifestyle is the most popular blog theme in the UK. Under this umbrella, it has confirmed that there has been a surge in parenting and family blogs, as the subject with the biggest increase amongst UK voices.

Wow. Go us. Impressive. It’s amazing to be part of such a diverse and thriving online community. And while many of us do blog for personal reasons, there has been a swift growth in professional blogging and even normal folks who are interested in developing their blog commercially.

As with all things in life, with the good comes the not-so-good. We blog for a reason, right? We want to get our thoughts out there, share our stories, connect with similar people on the big old World Wide Web. Yet, in such a saturated nook of the ‘net, it’s hard to be heard when there are literally countless other blogs demanding readers’ time and attention.

How do you stay on top of the game, or at least ensure that people stop by your blog every once in a while? We all know that integrity and being personable is key. And a fabby social media presence helps, too. But, sometimes we have to take a step back and go back-shop to stand out.

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SEO is so very important to bloggers like you and me. With an ever-increasing number of blogs to compete with, you need to do more to push your pages organically up those search engine rankings. Unlike way-back-when, as algorithms have enhanced, exceptional SEO must be apparent and traceable to Google’s bots, but discreet and secondary to the reader experience. Simple right?


It might be that you’re not mega techy and setting up a blog and running it is the start and end of your expertise. That’s fine. It’s perfectly possible to achieve exceptional SEO by utilising resources available from You don’t even need to know the know-how. Perfectly convenient and a complete time saver, if I do say so myself.

That said, if you want to give things a whirl there are a number of ways to seamlessly slip some hot SEO into your site’s code.

How to make SEO work for your blog

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When you’re done promoting your posts – with links – on social media (mega important), spare some time to do a little keyword research. Utilise programmes which will let you in on the top terms people use when searching for blogs like yours. Once you have these under your belt, go into your blog settings and add them across your image Alt tags. And by images, I mean all images. Any little pic you have on your blog, SEO the heck out of it.

Keep these keywords in mind and, going forward, combine them with keywords relative to your individual post topic. Weave these, naturally, throughout the post, so they don’t disrupt reader enjoyment or blog authenticity, but so that Google gives them a nod.

And while you’re at it, don’t forget to make your blog subscribe link super obvious. Add a pop-up, maybe. The more subscribed readers the better. Google loves genuine interaction. And on that note, share the love and hyperlink your mates’ blog, too.

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Collaborative Article 

Photo Credit: Carlos Muza Chang Duong Fancycrave

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