How much do pro cyclists really earn?

How much do pro cyclists really earn?

September 21, 2023


From low starting salaries to multi-million dollar deals, your favourite cyclist does not just paddle for fun but also to make their pockets smile. Beyond those fancy helmets, flashy jerseys, and swift bikes is an enticing paycheck waiting at the end of the finish line. 

Most pro cyclists started cycling at a young age. Thus, the first step in everyone’s cycling career is to buy a bike, and let the rest become history.

Are you curious as to how much pro cyclists make? This post satisfies your curiosity.

Buckle up, let’s rock and roll!

A breakdown of how much pro cyclists make

Professional cycling is an exciting sport. To enjoy the adrenaline rush of the race, you might wonder which cycle routes near me exist. Once you find them, you can start your dreamy experience and start thinking about the money it comes with.

How much do pro cyclists really earn?

However, it is not always evident how much money these sportsmen make. Sometimes it is all flashy sponsorships and podium prizes, other times it is not. Here is a breakdown:

The base salary

Like the rest of us, most pro cyclists have a base wage. Sometimes, It’s not as lavish or alluring as we may assume. Some riders earn as little as £30,000 per year. This might not even be enough to purchase a high-end bike, let alone live comfortably. But how many sportsmen rely on their basic salary?

Others £97,000 and more. These salaries could be influenced by; The team level, rider’s experience, and role within the team.

Other ways pro cyclists earn

Here are some exciting ways pro cyclists earn extra bucks;

How much do pro cyclists really earn?

Sponsorships and endorsements

This is the real deal, where the money lies! Sponsorships and endorsements are the golden tickets for pro cyclists. These deals can be worth millions, especially for the big names in the sport. 

These companies make serious cash when cyclists pedal their hearts out with jerseys covered with their company’s logos. So what better reward than paying the cyclist handsomely?

Prize money

As the name implies, it is the money you get when you win a race. It is sometimes called race winnings and varies wildly, depending on the competition. Grand Tour winners, like the Tour de France, can pocket over a million dollars, while riders further down the rankings might make just a fraction of that. 

To win races like these pro cyclists rely on swift and sturdy bikes. 

Team bonuses

Teamwork makes the dream work, and in pro cycling, it also determines your income. 

Cyclists often pool their earnings into a team pot. This pot is shared amongst the riders.

The team leaders who perform exceptionally well, get a more substantial slice of the pie. A rider who wins a stage in a major race or helps the team secure a victory may be rewarded. So, the star of the squad can expect a bigger paycheck.

How much do pro cyclists really earn?

Off the bike – What happens after retirement?

While some cyclists get extra time, no one can ride forever! Pro cycling is a challenging career with a short lifespan. Many cyclists retire in their early thirties. This means they must prepare for life after the bike.

Some invest their earnings wisely, while others transition into coaching, commentary, or even start other cycling-related businesses.

Rounding up

Pro cycling is more than just a fun activity but is one that brings wealth and affluence.

While the world of pro cyclist earnings is an exciting roller coaster ride with unexpected twists and turns.

With a captivating talent, appealing race outcomes, a huge fanbase, and a touch of negotiation skills you’ll never have to struggle to make ends meet.

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