Home Improvements To Make Your Home Feel Better

Here Are 7 Home Improvements To Make Your Home Feel Better

November 3, 2021


Are you wanting to carry out some home improvements? Your home might be feeling a little worn out and tired, in need of some TLC. you may also have just purchased this property and are needing to fix it up a bit. 

Below we have seven ideas that you can use to improve your home in many different ways. 


If you are looking for a nice simple way to make your home feel fresh again then a simple coat of paint will do the job. Over time your walls and ceilings can start to look a bit dull and dreary making the room appear darker than it is. If you decide to paint then you need to think of a colour that you like and that will also work with the room. 

There are certain colours and shades that won’t work in certain rooms. For example, white can actually work against you if you are painting a small room. The problem with white is it shows every shadow and dark corner. You think you will be getting a bright airy room when in fact you are getting a magnet for darkness. If you have a small room and would like to use the colour white then it works really well as an afterthought. You could paint the main room another colour such as light grey and then do a white edge. 


Another great way to liven up your home with little effort is to replace the flooring throughout. If you don’t want to do the entire house then pick a floor and do that instead. Most people will opt for the ground level, living room, dining room etc as that is the floor that gets used the most. If you have carpets and they are looking old and worn then think about replacing them with something more up to date such as hardwood flooring. 

Hardwood flooring has many benefits, it is so easy to clean. A simple sweep with the broom, a mop and potentially steam is all they need. You will never have to worry about dirty stained carpets ever again. The hardwood floor is great for families as children bring a lot of mess and spilt drinks. 

If you are shopping around for hardwood flooring then be sure to take a look at floors direct. They offer a great selection of hardwood, laminate, and other types of flooring at affordable prices with speedy delivery. 

Home Improvements To Make Your Home Feel Better


Do you regularly find yourself struggling with storage space? If so, you are not alone. Many houses don’t come with a lot of storage and the ones that do get snapped up super fast. This is because storage is one of the most sought-after selling points when it comes to buying or renting a property. 

If you want to add more storage to your home this can be simple and straightforward. You could add some shelving across the rooms in your home, or you could get storage built-in if this is something that you can afford. Speaking to a carpenter about different plans will give you an idea of if they will work in your home. 

If you have children you know they come with a lot of toys and other paraphernalia. You can buy great storage units to keep their toys in when not in use. IKEA has amazing storage units, and you can mix and match them to suit your needs. 


If you are tired of your current lighting and want to update this then speak to an electrician if you aren’t sure what to do. You might have old school hanging lights in your bedrooms or living rooms. These are very outdated and a lot of people are opting for spotlights or pretty ceiling lights. 

You can’t really go wrong with matching ceiling lights to your other decor as most of the time they are silver so will match perfectly. One thing to be wary of when choosing lights is to not get something that is too big for your room. This will stand out and look very strange. 

Solar panels

You might be wanting to make your home more energy-efficient. If so, solar panels are certainly something to think about. These can save you up to 40% on your electricity bills annually. If this is the route you want to go down, be sure to find a reputable company. You can do this by checking online reviews and testimonials from previous customers and clients. 

Solar panels may look unsightly but they are eco-friendly and will save you an absolute fortune. They are also a great addition when it comes to selling your home, as buyers are more commonly looking to buy energy-efficient homes. 

Home Improvements To Make Your Home Feel Better

Kitchen refit  

You may spend a lot of time in your kitchen so you need to be comfortable there. There can be a lot of problems when it comes to kitchens. Counters at the wrong height or not enough cupboard space. If you have a dream kitchen in mind then why not go for it. Everyone should be happy when they are cooking dinner. It will also be nice to show off a new fancy kitchen when your friends come round. 

You can go into a store and choose the kitchen you want, down to the amount of storage you receive. You can also choose whether you want built-in appliances such as the fridge, dishwasher, and washing machine. Some people prefer freestanding appliances but the choice is completely yours. If you are unsure about wanting a full kitchen refit then you can do it the cheats way. You can simply give the cabinets a fresh coat of paint and some new handles. Everyone will think you have invested in new cupboards when in fact you have done that for a fraction of the cost of a new kitchen. 

Get it fitted by an expert so you know everything is fine and in the right place. If you have a gas cooker this will need to be fitted by a registered gas safety professional. 

Having a kitchen refitted can increase the price of your property if you decide to sell it in the future. It may only be around a 7% increase but it is better than nothing at all. 

Bathroom do-over

Like the kitchen you want the bathroom to look new and shiny as well. You don’t want to be having baths or showers in a mucky, old, mouldy bathroom. You can go to different showrooms and view lots of different options when it comes to bathrooms. There are lots of shapes of bath for example and you could even get one with water jets. 

Your bathroom might not be suitable for your family so a makeover is needed. If you currently have a shower it might not be practical if you have young children. You can change this for a bath, it isn’t that tricky. Again, if you are unsure, contact the experts who can help you with anything you need.

One type of bathroom that is proving very popular is a wet room. This is essentially a tiled room with a showerhead on the wall and a drain on the floor. You can of course add a shower screen if you are worried about splashing. Wet rooms will increase the value of your property should you come to sell. 

Home Improvements To Make Your Home Feel Better

We hope you enjoyed reading about all the different ways you can improve your home. Some cost a little more than others, however, more often than not there is a cheaper way of doing things. Home improvements don’t need to cost you the earth so always shop around for the best deal. 

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