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We can all feel a little run down and not ourselves sometimes. In some cases, we know the cause. It might be that you are overwhelmed with work. Perhaps have a lot to deal with or need to hit deadlines and targets and you are stressed or worried about it. It could be that you are anxious and feeling a little down. Perhaps worrying about finances, your relationship or general day-to-day life admin. Feeling tired, fatigued, and a low mood is something we can all feel at times, but there are some common physical causes for this that you may not ordinarily consider.
The truth is, when we feel headachey, stressed, tired, and nauseous, we often can point fingers at our emotional reactions. For example, feeling tired might be because you are overdoing it at work or with commitments. Feeling stressed because you have deadlines to meet or are struggling to make ends meet with your finances. However, there are physical things to do with our health that could also be causing these reactions, and dealing with those things can help us to feel back on track. So if you are feeling a little blah, here are some of the common health causes and how you can feel better.
Common health causes and how you can feel better
Gut problems
Our gut controls a lot of how we feel believe it or not. So if you are feeling sluggish, tired, and uncomfortable in your abdomen area then it might be that you have a few problems with your gut. While getting checked out if you have concerns should always be a priority, often a change in diet and lifestyle can make all of the difference. A healthy balanced diet, combined with exercise and ensuring that you increase your vitamin intake can help to control the gut and make things seem less “bunged up.”
Build-up of ear wax
We likely won’t even consider that our ears could be causing us to feel tired, stressed, or anxious, but actually, a build-up of ear wax can be the root cause of all of those feelings. It can leave a ringing in your ears and even lead to a bit of hearing loss. Which can cause you to feel frustrated and also for your head and brain to work that bit harder. However, looking into ear wax removal in London could help you to get back on track.
Unlike ear candling, syringing or irrigation, microsuction ear wax removal has a significantly lower risk of causing damage to your eardrum. This is because the procedure is performed under direct vision and avoids the use of any liquids at high pressure. Microsuction is also an important part of the treatment of swimmer’s ear, or otitis externa, which can cause discharge and itchy ears. Having ear wax professionally removed could make a world of difference to your hearing and how you feel in your head. Causing there to be less mental fog.
Lack of iron
One of the most common reasons for feeling a bit rubbish is a lack of iron in your blood. Being iron deficient is quite common and usually diagnosed by a simple blood test at your doctor. If you find that you have a low iron you can take supplements where you should start to see and feel a difference to how you feel.
Hormone imbalance
Just like with a lack of iron, your hormones can play a huge part in how you feel. For example, being low in B12 or Vitamin D can cause you to feel tired, grumpy, and even give you feelings of depression and anxiety. A blood test can help to identify if you are lacking in something, and by taking supplements for that particular thing, you should start to feel better.
Underactive thyroid
Another common cause for fatigue and feeling rubbish is having an underactive thyroid. This is when the thyroid gland is producing too little of the hormone thyroxine. This can lead you to feeling tired and can also cause you to put on weight. It happens mostly in women and as you get older, but could be the reason why you are not looking or feeling your very best right now.
While depression is mostly linked to your emotional reactions, it is an illness that needs to be taken seriously. When you are depressed you have feelings of fatigue, low mood, and general intrusive thoughts that can make you unhappy. If you are feeling any of those things and you find that you generally have more low days than high days, then it might be time to have a discussion with your doctor. It might be that you feel this way because of something physically, but at least starting the process of investigation can help you to get on a more positive path.
High or low blood pressure
Your blood pressure can be a cause of how you are feeling physically, so it might be worth getting this checked. If it is too high, or too low, it can cause feelings of dizziness, nausea, and fatigue, amongst other symptoms specific to high or low blood pressure. Exploring this with your doctor will help you to understand what is a healthy and normal blood pressure for you.
Hopefully, this will help you to understand whether there are any health issues causing you to feel a little blah at the moment.