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Easter traditions are something kids look forward to every year. With these fun Easter tradition ideas, you can have long lasting Easter memories and something the kids can look forward to year after year.
For some kids, Easter ranks higher than Christmas. It might sound hard to believe, but a holiday that seems to focus on candy and fun, what kid wouldn’t love that? I like to bring some of the Easter traditions from when I was a kid and combine them with new traditions. Each year when we celebrate Easter and the kids talk about their favorite things to do for Easter, I love listening to them go on and on.
Ideas for Easter traditions
What are some of your yearly Easter traditions? Here are some ideas to help you have some fun this Easter:
Create an Easter Basket
Some people use the same Easter basket year after year, while others like to make their own. Some cute ideas I have seen are decorated boxes that are colored with markers and Easter stickers. Another idea is using a milk jug and turn it into a bunny basket. Using these baskets, you can leave them out for the bunny to come and fill.
Easter Baskets
Each year when we create the Easter baskets for the kids. In the basket, we like to put different Easter chocolates as well as little Easter gifts. We also like to give other friends and family Easter gifts. These are things that make us smile or that we know will make someone happy. It doesn’t have to be an expensive gift or be something extravagant. Just something to commenerate the holiday.
Dying Easter Eggs
Dying Easter eggs might one of the best known and most widely practiced way to celebrate Easter. There are so many ways to dye Easter Eggs. You can special kits from the store, use Kool-ade or just food coloring, water and vinegar. Some people like to draw on the eggs, while I have seen other coat the eggs completely in glitter. It doesn’t matter who you decorate the eggs, kids love to dye them.
Another way to celebrate Easter is with fun games. Do an Easter egg hunt or play roll the egg. Play pin the tail on the bunny or see who can hop like a bunny through an optical course the fastest.
Easter Crafts
Another fun way to start an Easter tradition is to make Easter crafts. There are plenty of crafts online to help you to make new crafts every single year.
No matter how you celebrate Easter or what your traditions are, celebrating with family is going to create memories to build on.
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