Easter Holidays 2014 – Good Friday

Today has been a busy one, my legs ache, my feet are crying ‘please don’t walk anymore’ and I have two tired children sleeping in their beds.

Last week myself and a work colleague realised that we both had the same Easter holidays week of work so had made plans to meet up and take the children out for the day. Our children are great friends and we often joke that in years to come we will be mother-on-laws.

We decided to head over to Fairhaven Woodland & Water Gardens as they were holding their annual Easter egg trail today. With the weather looking fairly OK we decided to brave it (our back up plan was the Sea Life Centre). Only a little way into the trail did the heavens decide to open and whilst we got some cover from the trees it didn’t save us so we were a little damp. Two further down pours, grumpy children arguing over who gets to spot the next egg and well Tigger being his usual grumpy self meant that we left them to get on with it and had a girlie gossip instead.

The trail was long, and as we ended up at the egg tent half way into finding all our eggs meant that we needed to turn around and cover the trails that we had missed out. After nearly two and half hours walking around the trail we had all our eggs so time to collect our reward and take part in some of the other Easter activities that they had running. From planting magical beans, tombolas and making Easter bunny hats…

Easter Holidays 2014 - Fairhaven Bunny Hats

Tigger preferred to sit on grass and play with the magical feather he had found…

Easter Holidays 2014 - Fairhaven Tigger Feather

With everyone all walked out, we gathered up our eggs and crafts and headed back to the car. Homeward bound? Er no… it was our ward party today so time to head off to work, munch on some party food and draw our Easter raffle.

Sadly when we arrived there wasn’t much of a turn out for the party but the children had a great time and we managed to draw the raffle and raise money for our donation fund to purchase new equipment etc for the patients.

Finally time to head home and it was clear that whilst Tigger has perked up from being ill on Wednesday he was still not right, poor thing.

What did you get up to today?

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