Today is a sad today.
Today sees my Community Hospital ward close its doors for the final time.
I’ve previously talked about how we were undergoing a public consultation and the official announcement came at the beginning of the month that we would be closing, swiftly followed by an actual closure date.
At the time I didn’t feel ready to talk about it and if I’m honest I still don’t. I’m sat here now writing this fighting back the tears. Although the decision to close my ward was not unexpected I was and still am very angry about the whole situation.
My ward has provided care, love and compassion to thousands of patients and relatives over the years (including Mr Boo’s nanny). To all of those people I know that we touched their lives and will always remember the care that they or their loved ones received. However I know that our local community still need us and we could still provide a wonderful service for them. Sadly those in power (and holding the purse strings) have decided that the services are better provided by a community based team and only time will tell whether this works in the way that they hope.
Today however I have to lay aside my bitterness of the decision to close and offer my support to my colleagues, my friends that are there today having to watch the last patient leave the ward.
Farewell to a wonderful Community Hospital ward and it’s amazing staff, you are going to be missed.
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