Children’s birthday parties – Do you stay or go?

September 28, 2014

This afternoon Roo attended a birthday party for one of her school friends held at a local bowling alley. As per party protocol she wore a dress, wrote a card and had selected a present for the birthday girl.


Arriving at the venue she selected what food she wanted from the menu and off she went with the birthday girl and guests. Whilst I took up my position in the corner armed with a full battery on my phone, a drink and the hope of a catch up with the other parents.

The thing is, none of the other parents stayed… just me.

I sat watching as parents came in, gave their child a kiss and said goodbye. Only one of the parents said to the birthday girl’s parents ‘oh you have my number in case of emergency‘ and walked away without even checking her number.

As I sat watching the children playing it had me thinking…

Children’s birthday parties – Do you stay or do you go?

When I think back to birthday parties in my childhood they were always held at somebody’s house. Parties nowadays are held at community centres, bowling alleys etc. So we have lost that closed homely party feel where children couldn’t go anywhere other than the house or the garden.

I did ask Roo whether she’d like me to stay or go like the other parents, but she wanted me to stay so I suppose I was just following her wishes but I have niggles running through my head…

As Roo is approaching 8 years old, should I be leaving her at parties on her own?

Is there an age limit to when parents should stay?

Am I just being an overprotective parent?

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