When Is It Time to Hire a Child Custody Lawyer?

March 23, 2021

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Going through a divorce with minor children can be an extremely challenging time. Both amicable and acrimonious divorces prove to be trying physically, emotionally, and financially. Parents may often begin battling when it comes to the topic of custody and visitation of their children. Understanding when to hire a child custody lawyer may save you additional stress and potential loss of your custody rights. 

Representation of Ex-Spouse

In a situation where your ex-spouse acquires a child custody lawyer, it’s time to obtain your own attorney. When fighting a legal battle for child custody, your legal representation must begin on equal footing. A qualified child custody attorney listens to your goals in your child custody case. When analyzing the facts of your case, your attorney may provide multiple options and strategies to accomplish those goals. 

Hire a Child Custody Lawyer

Your Case Crosses State Lines 

If you or your ex-spouse move into another state, seek the legal assistance of a child custody lawyer. Complying with child custody laws in other states often requires the help of legal counsel. Ensure you don’t fail to abide by child custody laws. If your child custody case moves internationally, failing to hire a child custody lawyer could prove damaging to your lawsuit. Multiple factors affect your case, and complicating elements like out-of-state boundaries or other countries require legal aid. 

Your Child Is in Danger

When you believe your child or children are in harm’s way when staying with their other parent, contact a child custody lawyer. Your child custody lawyer helps gather the evidence needed to build a case to protect your child from a potentially dangerous situation. Furthermore, in emergencies, a child custody attorney may recommend filing a restraining order to keep the other parent away from your child. Child Protective Services may also need to get involved and undertake their investigation.

Withholding Visitation

When a parent withholds your child or otherwise prevents you from seeing your child, contact a child custody lawyer immediately. One parent may not unilaterally prevent you from seeing your child. Suppose the other parent creates roadblocks to visitation or otherwise makes it difficult for you to see your child. In that case, a child custody or spousal support attorney may intervene to put a stop to this behaviour. Additionally, your lawyer may expedite a hearing to get the other parent’s conduct on the record and remedied quickly.

Hire a Child Custody Lawyer

Existence of Court Orders

When a judge issues court orders outlining child custody, a child custody lawyer helps understand the court order. Additionally, if a court order exists and circumstances have changed, a child custody lawyer can assist in modifying or terminating the existing order. Attempting to undertake this without a lawyer’s assistance may result in a loss of rights or punishment for failure to adhere to current orders. 

Complex Case 

Multiple complexities may arise as time progresses. For example, you may remarry and have more children. You may experience a decrease in income, making it difficult for you to satisfy your child support obligations. Additionally, a job offer in another state may create substantial complexity in your child custody case. More simply, a difference in child-rearing habits or beliefs may present significant complexity as your children grow.

Your child custody lawyer can help facilitate agreements between parties when possible and represent your interests in situations where you cannot reach an agreement. At the outset, a child custody agreement may appear simple and straightforward. Both parties may agree and work toward satisfaction with the deal. However, circumstances often change quickly, and agreements sour. Ensure the protection of your rights and your child by retaining a child custody lawyer before it’s too late.

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