There are 8 cases of chicken pox in Roo’s class at school and there are children missing from every class. The school are truly having an outbreak and whilst I understand that they can not control I believe that they could be helping parents more.
Firstly, parents have only been informed via a hand written notice outside each classroom informing them of how many children are off with chicken pox. Why have they not sent a newsletter or emailed parents? what about those mums that are pregnant, surely they need to be warned before coming to the school?
Secondly, no information about chicken pox symptoms has been given, so how are you supposed to know if to send your child or not?
Luckily Roo has not come down with it yet and if she is anything like me she may have a natural immunity. When I was younger my older sister got chicken pox and my mum had us sleep in the same hoping that I would catch it. As my sister was sick she wasn’t allowed out to play but I was was. I never did get the chicken pox but my whole neighbourhood did!
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