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School starts in September, and with a fresh new school year comes the feeling of anxiety amongst so many parents. That is because it is usually the time when parents have one of the biggest outlays of finances for their children as it means buying new school uniforms, school supplies, and black school shoes.
Rather than the back to school shopping feeling like a supermarket sweep, I wanted to share with you the school uniform shopping checklist to help you stay on track, budget for school supplies, and have everything you need for your children to start their first day of term. This is the Secondary school edition.
Shopping checklist for secondary school uniforms

The uniform basics
First of all, let’s cover the basics of the school uniform and the things your child will need to wear daily. Secondary school often means that there are a few essentials that are needed. Here are a couple of reminders for some of the things that your primary school child might need:
School blazer
Most secondary schools have a school blazer these days, which makes your child look smart and grown up. This can often be the most expensive purchase. Blazers are usually available at designated school uniform shops, be sure to check with your child’s secondary school as to whether you can visit a local store or have to order online. Some schools will have sample sizes available for children to try on ahead of ordering.
School jumper or cardigan
This might be a school jumper with their logo, which might need to be bought from specialist school uniform shops. But if the school just requires a specific colour, you can pick up jumpers and cardigans in most supermarkets.
Although it is worth checking if this is a mandatory item, if not, have a conversation with your child about whether they want to wear one—it will save you purchasing one just to hang in the wardrobe.
School shirts
Your school may require a traditional collared shirt, but polo shirts and blouses might also be acceptable. These are usually a specific colour, opening supermarket shops for you. Getting 3 to 4 of these might be advisable to allow for washing and ironing.
School tie
Many secondary schools that have collared shirts that will require a school tie to be worn are usually purchased from their chosen school uniform store or directly from the school.
Trousers and skirts
Schools take different approaches to trousers and skirts. Style, colour and length will all come into play, so it is advisable to double-check whether you can only purchase a style from a school supplier or pick it up from a supermarket.
You might need to purchase some new trousers or skirts, especially if your child has grown. Usually, two pairs of trousers or two skirts are sufficient, and these can be purchased in most stores or supermarkets.

School shoes
Just like primary school, many secondary schools require children to wear black school shoes. Each school will have its own set of guidelines about what it deems appropriate. However, as a general rule of thumb, trainer styles, shoes with open toes or backs and heels above a certain height are not permitted.
Your child may want specific shoes; take time to consider your options and get them involved where possible. Ultimately, it will be a battle between practicality, longevity and design but shoe manufacturers such as Start-rite have a wide selection of teen school shoes which should tick all the boxes. Be sure to take a look for top features such as Air Rite technology which allows air to flow around the shoe, helping feet to regulate their temperature and reducing sweating.
Remember to practice tying laces for those who are transitioning from Velcro fastenings to laces!
Socks go missing, and you may be left with many odd school socks or feel your child has outgrown them. You can pick up a new pack of socks so that you are ready – get the same design so that they are easier to pair up after washing.
PE Kit
The PE Kit is usually something we forget to check, so now is your reminder to check shorts, tracksuits, t-shirts and trainers. Many of the generic black shorts, tracksuit bottoms and trainers can be transferred from their primary school kit (and save you some money if they have not outgrown).
Your secondary school may have a specific policy regarding wearing school logo items, such as polo shirts and tracksuit tops. Check their mandatory school uniform list to make sure.
Your child may participate in particular sports, such as football, swimming and athletics. They will generally only need the basic PE kit unless it is a sport that they are keen on dedicating more time to. You may need to look at purchasing football boots, etc.
The accessories
Now that you have covered the basics consider the accessories your child may need for school. Here are some of the things to think about:

Rucksack or school bag
Your child might need a new rucksack or school bag, especially as they will be expected to carry a number of textbooks and notebooks between lessons (even if they are lucky enough to get a locker). One big enough for textbooks and stationery.
Lunchbox and water bottle
If your child doesn’t have school meals, it might be time to replace the lunchbox. You can pick up some great options at supermarkets or online at Amazon or eBay. Your child might be permitted to have a water bottle with them throughout the school day, which can be refilled at water fountains. Think about the longevity of this as it will be bashed about so consider a metal water bottle.
Textbooks and stationery
Now that they are in secondary school you may need to supply specific textbooks, stationery and workbooks. Your school should provide a list of what they might need. However, there are a couple of staples that you might want to consider such as a blazer buddy which fits inside standard-size blazer pockets and protects them from leaking pens – plus hopefully enabling your teen to be organised at all times with a pen-to-hand.
For those of you who have teens who are approaching mock exams and GCSEs, pick up a revision stationery bundle that includes pens, highlighters, revision cards, a clear pencil case and an A4 refill pad.

Preparing for winter
Winter is coming, so there are some other considerations that you need to make to get your child ready for the start of school. Here are some of the things to think about:
- A waterproof coat
- Hat, scarf and gloves
However, be prepared for your child to deem it uncool to wear a coat, etc, for school.
Sharpie pens, stamps, name tags
The big issue parents face is losing school uniforms in those first few weeks. While your child might not want names on all items, it is advisable to try and add a name in a more discreet area to ensure nothing goes missing. However, secondary school children are less likely to take things off and leave them like they may have done in primary school.
Other things your secondary school child might need
There are lots of other things you need to think about when it comes to your child starting a new year at secondary school. Here are some of the things to consider:
- School planner – This can be useful for homework deadlines or after-school clubs.
- Lunch money or money loaded onto a card or school money system – If they pay for school dinners they may need to have money uploaded onto a card or school money system. Set reminders for this.
- Bus money or passes – If they get themselves to school you may need to consider purchasing a bus pass.
- Their own house key – It might feel like a big step, but they may end up letting themselves in after school or leaving after you go to work. Their own house key will be essential if this is the case.
Final thoughts
The last thing to think about would be to get yourself a decent diary if you haven’t got one already. Or set up a family Google calendar so you can colour code and share events to keep everyone organised (or as much as possible). The start of school means fresh term dates and dates for the diary, so it helps to be organised.
I hope this school uniform shopping checklist will help you to be prepared for when your child returns to secondary school.