Whilst on holiday at Drayton Manor last year, we took a walk around the Dino Trail and marveled at the green scum floating on the water. Roo thought that the dinosaurs must have bad colds.
Mr Boo is a huge Liverpool fan, so when Tigger was born I think he was secretly pleased that he could buy footballs shirts for him. However Roo decided that she would quite like one too!
Roo’s first birthday, dressed like a princess. Not the most practical of dresses considering she wasn’t walking at the time. It was quite funny to see her crawl in it though… just a ball of white netting.
A special baby blanket bought for Roo when we didn’t know if she was a Roo or a Tigger (got to have a surprise the first time round). Roo still has this blanket and takes it to bed with her every night. If she is feeling poorly or sad, a quick snuggle with her yellow blanket makes everything alright.
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