Car dashboard with black and red dials

Broken down

Last week our car finally decided enough was enough and broke down.

We had been having a few issues with it over the past few months, however, the days leading up it had been giving a loud squeal as you changed gear or ticking over. Thinking it was just the fan belt I booked it into a local garage, however, they were unable to fit me in until yesterday. Yesterday was too late for my faithful car, whilst driving home from the school run the clutch broke.

Thankfully being in second gear we were able to nurse it most of the way home before we had to slow to a stop. Then it was good old elbow grease that got it down the final street.

And now there our car stands outside our house… Broken down

A call to the garage confirmed my worst fears that January is not a good time for a car to go wrong (if there is a good month for a car to go wrong).

Clutch replacement and two bearings = £459!

A side view mirror of a car window

With the expense of birthdays, Christmas and childcare fees we are unable to afford to fix it at the moment. In fact we are now weighing up whether we fix it or try to see if we can get another cheap run around, as we are not sure whether fixing the clutch will end all the issues we have had with the car.

Our family car has worked hard, five strong years she has taken us up and down the country. On school runs and backwards and forwards to work. Not any more, now our car stands outside our house… Broken down.

With all my car troubles, it can be easy to get caught up in the anger and frustration of it all. Instead I find myself thanking my lucky stars that we were able to afford a car, to run the car and take so many wonderful trips in it.

I am thankful that we live within walking distance to school, my work and local supermarkets.

I am thankful that instead of rushing the school run I get the chance to chat, sing, skip and play with Roo and Tigger on our walk to and from school.

I am thankful that we are actually saving money by not using the car, the petrol costs and the extra trips to the supermarket on the way home.

So whilst having a broken down car may not be the best thing to happen I am enjoying all the small things that have come from having no car.

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