A close up of a sign

Boo Roo and Tigger Too – October 2016

November 4, 2016

The much needed half term holidays have been and gone. The first half term back at school always feels long as we adjust to the school schedule.

It hasn’t been all school activities and no fun. October has brought us amazing trips to the TROLLS BFI Gala Screening and having the opportunity to learn more about family gaming with Playstation. As well as a trip to our beloved Drayton Manor for the fireworks spectacular.

A close up of a sign


It’s been a busy month as I juggle a couple of freelance projects, family life and ensuring that the house remains in a liveable condition. I’m enjoying the freedom of being to work around Piglet’s naps and school hours. Although sometimes I worry that I’m never going to get it all completed on time.


A person sitting on top of a wooden fence

School has been her main focus for the past month with activities, projects and school buddy duties. She was lucky enough to get a last minute place on the bike-ability course. It’s really given her the extra confidence to get out and about on her bike and I’m hoping that she’ll opt to ride to school in the future months. She’s firmly on countdown to her birthday, with daily reminders of how many days to go.


A little girl playing with a toy

Something seems to have clicked for Tigger this month. Almost as though he realises that he needs to knuckle down and get on with his work at school, reading and homework. He has a much better attitude when it comes to these tasks and is starting to excel in his reading.


A baby wearing a hat

Thriving off a routine, I can tell the days when things don’t quite go to plan. Her usual happiness is replaced with grumpiness and not knowing what you want to do. With many different days out over the last month she has thankfully adjusted well and on the whole been OK with all the additional travelling.

What did you get up to in October?

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