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ALDI Kit For Schools | How you can get involved [AD]

This is a paid partnership with ALDI

Aldi is offering 20 schools across the UK the chance to win £20,000 each through its new Kit For Schools promotion.

As part of Aldi’s long-standing partnership with Team GB, the family favourite supermarket is offering cash prizes to twenty schools across the UK to invest in equipment for a healthy legacy. Aldi will also be offering a Mini Sports Kit to all schools who complete a poster, which includes, relay batons, cones and bibs.

From 6th September until 3rd November 2019, Aldi shoppers will receive stickers every time they spend £30 or more in-store, which can be taken into schools and added to their sticker chart. Every UK school that signs up to the initiative will receive a sticker chart and for each completed chart, they will receive one entry into the final prize draw to win £20,000 with of equipment for a healthy legacy.

All UK Primary Schools are eligible to take part and can sign up at https://getseteatfresh.co.uk/kitforschools

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Aldi’s Kit for Schools – what you need to know

Stickers: Aldi shoppers who spend more than £30 in one transaction will be given a promotional Kit For School sticker. Additional stickers will be given out for each subsequent £30 spend (for example, two stickers for a £60+ spend, three stickers for a £90+ spend etc.)

Sticker Charts: It takes 300 stickers to complete a sticker chart, which needs to be completed and returned by 18th November 2019 in order to be eligible for the £20,000 prize draw (don’t forget 20 UK schools will receive £20,000 each for new sports equipment)

Schools sign up link: https://getseteatfresh.co.uk/kitforschools

School and Aldi

Aldi’s Kit For Schools – What’s in it for the school?

Registration to Aldi’s Kit For Schools is free for all UK primary schools, but why should they be getting involved? What’s in it for the school?

Mini Sports Kit: All schools who complete their sticker chart will receive a mini sports kit which includes, relay batons, cones and bibs.

The chance to win £20,000: Aldi is offering 20 schools across the UK the chance to win £20,000 each to spend on sports equipment – I’m sure any school could make use of an additional £20,000 worth of equipment.

Get stuck in resources: Use the Get Stuck In resources to build pupils’ healthy habits. The benefits of exercise and eating a balance of different foods. Ways to express likes and dislikes and make informed, healthy decisions about food, exercise and other healthy habits.

Parental participation: Whilst most parents would love to participate more in their child’s education, from attending class cafes and school assemblies. It is, sadly, not something that we are all able to do. By collecting the stickers whilst completing their weekly shopping, parents are able to give a little something back to the school without too much effort on their part.

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A person standing in front of a book shelf

How can you get involved?

Encourage registration: Speak with your local primary school and encourage them to register for the campaign (if they haven’t already)

Promotion: With the aim to get 300 stickers to complete the sticker chart it’s important to keep promoting the fact that your school is part of the campaign. Adding a little note in the school’s newsletter to remind parents. A message on Facebook to say that if anyone has any stickers that they won’t be utilising to pop them over to you so you can take into school.

Shop at Aldi: An obvious way to get involved is to spend £30 in Aldi to collect stickers for your local school. However, this is also a great learning opportunity for you and your children. Taking a look at the offers available within Aldi to make your shopping budget go further. Plus, looking at the Aldi Super 6 fruit and veg offer whilst you are in store may encourage them to eat more fruit and vegetables as well as trying some new ones. Be sure to check out Aldi’s recipe section for some fantastic ideas on family meals.

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