About Boo Roo and Tigger Too

Thank you for popping over to Boo Roo and Tigger Too, please take the time to read all about us below to give you a little insight into the people, the family behind the blog.

As with everything you see in life whether it be online, on social media or even at the school gates, this blog is a snapshot of our lives – it doesn’t showcase everything and whilst I am not opposed to cataloguing the lows as well as the highs in our lives there are parts that are always best left private.

A close up of food, with Family and BlogBoo Roo and Tigger Too

An award-winning family lifestyle blog and currently named in the top 10 mum and to 20 parenting Vuelio indexes. Join Boo Roo and Tigger Too sharing family life, home decor, travel and everything in between.

How to contact Boo Roo and Tigger Too

info@boorooandtiggertoo.com | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

The family behind Boo Roo and Tigger Too


A close up of a person wearing a blue shirt - Sarah (aka Boo) from Boo Roo and Tigger Too

I’m Sarah (aka Boo), a 29 forever former hospital administrator. Having worked for the NHS in various roles since I was 18 yrs old. Having worked in catering, finance, customer services, IT and patient-led services I like to think I have seen some of the good and bad of the NHS. Having been made redundant (sob) back in 2016 I was lucky to stay at home and work as a digital content creator around the needs of the family.

Recently returning to the NHS part-time and enjoying the mix of both getting out of the house (and feeling like she is making a difference) with working from home on her award-winning blog and social media platforms.


Life In Lockdown Week 44 - Snow Roo (Boo Roo and Tigger Too)

The Teen – Roo (age 15) is the chatterbox and dancing queen of the family, who loves nothing more than to be putting on a performance for the family to watch and enjoy. She is very active and enjoys athletics, hockey, football and dodgeball. When she is not taking part in a performance or sport she can be found reading books, watching Grey’s Anatomy, playing computer games or catching up with friends.


UK Adventure Trails Norfolk - Tigger (Boo Roo and Tigger Too)

The Tween – Tigger (age 11) is the fussy eater of the family, each mealtime is a struggle but we get there and have found a coping strategy around it. Enjoying attending school and has developed a thirst for knowledge and loves maths, reading and science. He is generally quite laid back and loves all things LEGO, Coding, and Gaming.


#LittleLoves Butlins Just For Tots - Piglet Skyline Gang (Boo Roo and Tigger Too)

The School-Age One – Piglet (age 6) is the baby and wild child of the family – don’t let this cute face fool you. She is into anything and everything especially if it involves climbing or doing something she shouldn’t be. She loves anything (dare I say girlie??) pink, sparkly and roleplaying with her toys. An empathetic soul she is the first one to come and offer you a huggle or stand up and help fight your battles.

Award-winning family lifestyle and top 10 UK parenting/mum blog. Join Boo Roo and Tigger Too sharing family life, home decor, travel and everything in between. Read More

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Vuelio Top 10 UK Mum Blog (#9) 2023

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