Eye and London

A visit to the London Eye

November 1, 2014

With half term almost over Roo and I made headed to London yesterday. A chance to spend some quality time just the two of us whilst Tigger spent the day with Mr Boo at home. With excited chats on the train about how we could fill our day we sat and looked over my map of central London to see if we could take in as many attractions as possible.

Being half term and of course Halloween the train was busy and that should have given us a warning of just how busy London was going to be. It wasn’t until we got on the underground and heard the announcements about how bust the Tower of London was that we had to scrap our plans to go and view the poppies. Nevertheless we opted to do some shopping and visit a few other London sights.

What I hadn’t told Roo was that I’d planned a trip on the London Eye, something she has wanted to do for some time and we have never quite managed it on previously trips to London. Heading over to see Big Ben she longing looked over at the London Eye, I bent down, whispered in her ear ‘shall we go on the London Eye? I’ve got tickets!’ – with that she turned and gave me the biggest hug.

After collecting our fast track tickets we queued up to have our bags checked and before we knew it we were waiting in line for a shuttle. We’d purchased one the 360 degree viewing guides whilst we were in the queue so that we could try and see which buildings we were looking at.

London Eye - Viewing Guide

Once aboard our shuttle I was pleased to see that we weren’t surrounded by people and that there was ample room to walk around and take in the views. Armed with her viewing guide Roo was keen to try and spot as many landmarks as possible, although once we were starting to get close to the top she wasn’t really bother about what the buildings were, more about how far she could see.

London Eye - Starting our journey

Gazing out across London you can really see why so many people opt to go on the London Eye each year. I had previously been on the London Eye but back when I was in college so a good 15 years ago.

A boy taking a selfie in a city

It was lovely to watch Roo’s eyes light up as we got higher and higher, taking in the peak views before making our descent back down.

London Eye - Roo

During our 30 minute experience the sun had started to set and was slowly making it’s way behind Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. I managed to capture this beautiful photo (if I do say so myself) of the setting sun.

London Eye - Big Ben

Boo Roo and Tigger Too’s thoughts…

Roo really loved her surprise trip on the London Eye and our 30 minute trip aboard the shuttle was really great. With special Witch Academy trips I will have to see whether I can book onto one of these next Halloween to enjoy the London skyline whilst in a magical shuttle filled with witch fun.

Disclosure: We received two fast-track London Eye tickets FOC for the purpose of review.


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