If there is a time in your life that you want to remember with crystal clarity, then it’s when you become a mother for the first time. It’s such a magical experience; a new life and an entirely new chapter beginning in your life — of course you’re going to want to remember it as much as is possible.
As a result, many new mums tend to look for different keepsakes to document their baby’s first year. There’s so many different suggested ways of documenting those early days now — so many that making a decision can be problematic in and of itself. To narrow things down, here are three effective ways of keeping track of this new phase of your life, giving you something to look back on with delight in years to come.
#1 – A Photo A Day
Open up a new Instagram account for this; you can keep it private if you’re not wanting to share photos of your baby on social media. Then, at the same time each day, take a photo of your baby and post it to the account. This provides you with a snapshot of every day, be it a moment during feeding or just a quiet point while they’re sleeping. Sticking to the same time every day gives a very thorough document of the first few weeks as a new Mum, and will let you look back and see the changes as your baby grows.
#2 – Feet and Hand Casts
Any baby person has spent time marvelling over how small a baby’s hands and feet are, so why not preserve the memory with baby casting? This is pretty much as it sounds; a mould is taken of your baby’s hands or feet, which you can then use as a wall decoration. It’s a wonderful, realistic keepsake as your baby grows and changes, and you’ll treasure it for years to come.
#3 – A “Firsts” Box
There are so many things that your baby will do for the first time, and it’s only natural that you’re going to want to document as many of these as possible. It could be the first time they smile, the first time they pick something up, the first time they laugh. Keeping track of these moments can be difficult though; it’s not like keeping ticket stubs, it’s moments that you’re trying to track. Instead, when you see your baby do something new, then just grab whatever is nearest to you; it might be a newspaper, a tea light candle, or just an empty packet of baby wipes – anything at all, so long as it’s nearby you when a new “first” is achieved. Write a brief note about the moment and what you’ve chosen as the keepsake for that moment, then store them in a box. This might sound like you’ll just end up with a collection of junk, but that’s not the case; it’s a collection of tactile memories, back to a moment you’re going to want to treasure forever.
Keeping track of your baby in the first few months doesn’t have to be difficult. Follow the methods above and you’ll bless your future self with plenty of delightful memories to look back on.
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