Thoughtful Gift Ideas For Your Bridal Party

Thoughtful Gift Ideas For Your Bridal Party

January 27, 2022

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When it comes to planning a wedding, it is so easy to get wrapped up in the big decisions. The venue and how many people are coming, food options and ensuring that you get your wedding invites out on time can feel stressful. So it’s understandable that the little details can be left to the last minute. One, in particular, is the gifts for your bridal party. It is a tradition to thank your bridal party during the speeches, and many people like to support those words with a gift.

This is why I thought it would be great to share with you some gift ideas for your bridal party. Hopefully taking this last-minute stress away from your big day. 

What to buy the women in your bridal party

Thoughtful Gift Ideas For Your Bridal Party

The maid of honour

As the bride, you should know your maid of honour quite well. So this should be the easiest gift to buy, right? Wrong! It can be just as difficult. Many brides opt for a keepsake. Perhaps a necklace, a pair of earrings or maybe an English Rope Ring would be the perfect way to say thank you for them sharing your special day with you. You could even create something yourself like a story of your friendship as a scrapbook of pictures and memories. 

The bridesmaids

As with the ushers some brides choose to have many bridesmaids, so the cost could spiral out of control if you are not careful. Again think of this gift as more of a token than anything else. You could also consider vouchers as this can be an easy option as they get to choose their own gift. 

The mothers

The mothers of the bride and groom tend to get involved in the planning stages of a wedding. Whether you want their help, or not. So it’s always a nice gesture to thank them on the day and give them a little something for their efforts. Some people like a personalised item. But personally, I think you can’t go wrong with a beautiful bunch of flowers.

All I would need to do is head to a flower shop and order two bouquets for the day, and that job is done. A thoughtful touch would be to use the types of flowers that have been incorporated into your wedding. So it can serve as a nice reminder for the next few days after the event. 

What to buy for the men in your bridal party

Thoughtful Gift Ideas For Your Bridal Party

The best man

What do you get the best man? Honestly, I think the groom may be the only one who could answer that. However, if you are both stuck on ideas try and keep things simple. Perhaps something engraved like a pair of cufflinks, a drinking glass, or even something more novelty-like socks. You could also consider vouchers as this can be an easy option as they get to choose their own gift. 

The ushers

For the ushers, I would suggest something very similar to the best man but perhaps not as extravagant. The problem is, there could be many ushers, and the cost could get ridiculous. So make sure this is more of a token gift than something huge or expensive. You could also consider vouchers as this can be an easy option as they get to choose their own gift. 

The fathers

I think the fathers of the bride and groom can be a more difficult thing to get right. They could perhaps have different interests. This is where you may have to think outside of the box a little. Perhaps buying a bottle of their favourite tipple. This will show that you have made an effort to get something they like and could make both of them happy.

Some companies can personalise bottles for you. Or you could even do something yourself by removing the label and placing a personalised one on the bottle. These can be bought printed and ready to stick online. 

Any children

Finally, if you have any children involved in your wedding party as a page boy or flower girl, then you won’t want to leave them out during the speeches. This is where a cute little teddy highlighting that they were part of your day could be a lovely token of thanks. I’m sure they will love it. Most children love anything small and delicate, especially girls. So you will likely find lots of ideas that will keep them happy. 

Of course, you don’t have to buy gifts, but it is a tradition that many brides and grooms like to continue with. They are seen as a thank you for the big day. I hope this has inspired you for your bridal party gifts.

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